He can't face her...

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Daenerys returned to Tondc and gathered everyone. "People of Tondc! I have gathered you here, because this is an act of war! We will be, under the Commander's command, at war. They cannot get away with 18 of our people dead! I shall go now, wi-with Jonas to talk to the Commander! We will be listened to."

People bowed and men cheered. Then everyone returned to their deads. Daenerys turned to Jonas and cut one of his small braids.

"Thank you, Keryon kom Heda." Niko said before she nodded and left with Jonas.

* * *

On their way back, Bellamy walked to Murphy. "What happened?"

"Finn got mad. Bellamy, we're at war. That girl she's powerful. People seemed to worship her."

"I know. I couldn't see her face but she seemed familiar." He said.

"She's a grounder, familiar with 'em?"

"You're right. Anyways, what's happening now? We'll have to explain before the grounders do."

"Well, I wouldn't like to be in Finn's shoes right now."

Both men breathed in and entered camp. This was going to be rough. Clarke seemed terrified. Finn had acted so violently... And that girl...

* * *

Daenerys reached the grounder camp, and people stared at the child in her arms. When reaching Lexa's tent, she opened it and asked everyone to leave.

"What is this?" Lexa asked, stunned.

"A skaikru young man slaughtered 18 people from Tondc, women, children, with no reason!"

"What?!" Lexa paced angrily and suddenly hit the table hard. "This will not go unpunished! They want war, they shall have it! I'll gather my council this evening." After a while, she realised Daenerys's sadness. "I'll have Gustus bring you all you need for young Jonas."

"Thank you, Lexa..." She whispered. Then she darkened "Finn must die. Swear to me that he will, Lexa."

"I swear it! Now you should go."

Daenerys nodded and went to her tent while Lexa asked for Gustus.
Back in her tent, Daenerys laid Jonas on a bed and begun to clean his wounds. She greeted Gustus in a very dignified manner and begun to clean the body and light candles around the bed. Surrounded by his small weapons and his necklace, she kept his warrior bracelet, with his name on it. She pushed back all sadness and emotions that showed her weakness like earlier.

She sort of shut her humanity down.

When she was finished,she kissed the boy's forhead and left her tent, in order to join the council. People got up as she came in, then went on talking. Almost everyone agreed on just drein jus daun, except two warriors. One stood up.

"Heda, Keryon kom Heda, I think there's no point killing him, if we go to war."

Daenerys almost jumped up. "You are suggesting that we don't punish Finn?! He's a murderer! Letting the war killing makes him a war hero. Is that what you want? We stand by Jus drein jus daun!" She looked at all the council and repeated "Jus drein jus daun!" And everyone repeated after her, louder and louder.

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