Keryon kom Heda

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*During the two weeks*

(Italics : Trigedasleng)

"You are my second, Daenerys. But I'd like to test your fighting capacities."

"As you wish, Heda." The girl replied.

"Tomorrow, you will have to fight three of my best warriors and if you defeat them, you will fight Gustus. Have you ever had to prove yourself?"

Daenerys smirked, remembering her fight with Roan. "Yes, twice. Heda. To Tristan kom Trikru and Roan kom Azgeda."

"I see. And I take it by your smile that you succeeded?" Lexa said with a smile. Daenerys nodded. "Good. Gustus will train you, and show you where you can stay."

Daenerys hesitated. What about Jonas? She couldn't protect him here..maybe she could. And maybe she could take him with her after a while... The Commander called for Gustus and the tall grounder came in.

"Gustus, this is my second. She is worthy of that honour. She is known as Daenerys Fleim Nou Daun, Keryon kom Heda."

"I swear to serve you as long as I live Keryon kom Heda."

"Thank you, Gustus. And I swear to serve the Commander and my people untill my heart stops beating forever."

Gustus smiled and said "this is what the Commander said when she took command" She smiled and looked down. "Now. I will see you tomorrow for the test and for now, let me lead you to your tent."

They both bowed to Lexa before leaving and Gustus took her to her tent, right beside the Commander's.

"Tomorrow will be tiring. You should rest." Gustus told her before bowing his head and leaving.

Alone, in her tent she laid on the couch, after taking off her armor. She laid on her hands and her eyes stared in front of her. She was thinking of Bellamy. He didnt trust her enough to tell her about the plan...Why did he appear so caring? She had showed her feelings when he had none! She felt betrayed. How would she react to seeing Bellamy, after turning the events over and over in her mind?

After torturing herself with all these thoughts, she finally fell asleep.


The sun was shining, birds chipping, and a light wind was penetrating her tent. She stretched and got dressed, before putting her armor on and heading outside. Gustus met her and after exchanging a few words, she followed him in Lexa's tent. The Commander explained that she would have to fight the three best warriors of the coalition. She went outside to see about 500 grounders in a huge circle. Were all these people going to watch her fight? She walked followed by the Commander, and people gasped as they saw the resemblance between Lexa and Daenerys.

Lexa sat on a throne, and Gustus sat by her side. Daenerys stood in the center of the circle.

"Georgzas, Malsyk and Zaldriz, step forward in the order I called you. One after the other, you will fight Daenerys Fleim Nou Daun, Keryon kom Heda. If she succeeds, she will be my second." Lexa announced and all the grounders cheered. Three tall and strong grounders appeared, armed and fierce looking.

Daenerys took a deep breath, analysing their every moves, trying to find how they could be beaten. The first one was left-handed, though he was one of the best warriors. She decided to play it left-handed. They would be taken by surprise at the change. 

She fought the thoughts of Bellamy rushing through her mind. And got into position, encouraged by the grounders' cheers. Georgzas, the left-handed got into position as well.

The duel began when Georgzas and Daenerys entered from opposite ends, and after bowing and saying something to each other, Daenerys beat the grounder a whole pace and a half back. She sliced his leg and knocked him out. The crowd cheered more than ever, and Malsyk came forth while two grounders took Georgzas to the healer, Niko. He lost against her too.

Zaldriz spun both his swords. He was taller than the others and surely stronger too. They studied each other and the grounder attacked. The Crowds shouted, as Zaldriz began to use his height and weight to his advantage, and sprained Daenerys’s arm by throwing his weight on the flat of her left sword. She screamed in pain and anger. The picture of Bellamy flashed through her mind and she got up. Biting her lip, in one move she placed her arm in its socket.
The two warriors then circled each other, testing each other’s defenses, and it was then that Daenerys struck first blood when she cut him on the outside of his thigh.

They walked in a circle and Zaldriz spat on the floor.They returned to the duel, and this time Daenerys making good use of her feet, keeping out of range of Zaldriz’s sword, shifted her ground, and made him work. He then got a blow on Daenerys's right leg, making her fall to one knee, but just as he was about to finish her off, Daenerys grabbed Zaldriz's arm as it was coming down, forcing his blade to glance down his right shoulder.

They started fighting again, this time each giving their full strength, but then Zaldriz didn't see Daenerys’s sword coming and she cut him deeply in his muscled torso. He bent and she ceased the occasion to punch his face. He caught her waist and threw her on the floor. The cheers were getting louder and most people shouted Daenerys’s name. Blood streamed down her face as her forhead hit a rock. She was about to be fully knocked out when she used the handle of her sword to knock him out hard. 

All the grounders cheered and Lexa came to help her up. She lifted her arm and exclaimed,"Daenerys Fleim Nou Daun, Keryon kom Heda is now my second!"

Daenerys was happy, she had proved her strength to the army and to herself. She was officially one of them. It was a victory over Zaldriz, her fears and her feelings. She had showed herself to be weak by showing her feelings to a person who didn't return them, she had made up for that mistake. She was ready to face Skaikru with no weakness. She felt it was wrong, but couldn't help replace the strong feelings she had for Bellamy by hate, anger. She couldn't help it, her trust had been betrayed...

Trust is like a piece of paper, once torn it can't easily be mended...

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