Chapter 14

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Hey Guys :)

This is a really short chapter but it's just for now, either tomorrow or the day after I'll be posting the chapter of fabienne's wedding!!!!

 I'm almost finished writing it, i just need to edit :)

Please vote and comment xox

It makes me happy :P

(This is the song i listened to while writing this chapter)


Fabienne spent the rest of that day by her sisters bedside, never moving. Even when the queen came in she refused to take her eyes off of her sister.

She had called the court physician as soon as she had seen her sisters condition.

She would never forget those moments, kneeling at the side of her sister’s bed while she waited for the physician.

She had thought Aveline was dead, she prayed to god to give his angel a little more time on this earth…..and he listened.

As soon as the Physician arrived, Fabienne had another listen to her sister’s heart and as she did she heard it flutter, like the wings of a baby bird.

It was quiet and faint, but now as she sat in her chair watching her sister, she knew how much hope the small, almost undetectable rise and fall of her chest gave her.

The Doctor had no idea what was wrong, he suspected that she was undernourished and something had gone wrong in her body which cause the blood flow to her heart to slow.

This had happened once before when Aveline was five, but Fabienne had no memory of the incident.

All throughout the day, people had been coming and going from her sister’s room, surprisingly even Francette came in at one point, she also kneeled and prayed by the bed with tears streaming down her face but she swiftly left. As if she was embarrassed by her emotions.

Finally, as the sun set and Fabienne’s thoughts became hazy and slow. She cautiously left her sisters bedside, hoping that when she came back, her gentle heart would still be beating..

Let me know what you think on this chapter!!!!

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