Chapter 12

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Here is chapter twelve as i promised, i didn't want to have to censor anything i write because i want this to be raw and express to people what it would have been like for young girls like Fabienne in that time, often girls were mis-treated by there husband or even horrible strangers. Rape in those days was not approved of but if it did happen not many people would stand up for women. just a warning that this chapter contains sexual content so don't read it if you're sensitive to that kind of thing.

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As it was still the middle of the night, the palace was quiet and as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she saw that down the corridor, the door to her room was a-jar and light was streaming out into the darkness.

She cautiously made her way over to her door, she had soft slippers on her feet which made no noise on the smooth floor.

When she reached her room she tentatively reached out her small hand and opened the door. Inside was the last person she had been expecting, standing next to her bed only in his breaches and under-shirt was Aveline’s Husband.

“Wha-what are you doing here?”

She stumbled her way around the outside of the room towards the set of bells on her dresser to call Idette or Melisende. Keeping as much distance as possible between her and Monsieur Buemont.

“uh-uh girly, you’re not going to call those useless maids of yours”

He advance towards her so she made her move, quickly trying to dart around  him but failing as he aimed a slap at her which left her cowering in a heap on the bed.

He threw himself towards the bed, preventing her from getting up as he slowly pinned her onto the bead with both of her fists being held above her head with one of his enormous hands.

He reached a hand down to unbuckle his breaches as he slurred into her ear

“oh girly, ever since i first saw you I’ve wanted to thrust myself into you, feel your warmth around me” She whimpered in fear, but disturbingly she couldn’t smell wine on his breath, which meant he was acting completely on his own actions.

Fabienne thrashed and wept as she felt one of his enormously obese hands hitching her skirt up to her waist to leave her completely exposed.

“Now, this must be our little secret”

She tried to scream but Monsieur Buemont saw this coming so jammed his hand over her mouth to stifle it.

Fabienne was terrified, she wasn’t strong enough to fight back and she knew no one could hear her.

She knew she must compose herself and let him do his business, otherwise she would receive another slap which she was sure would make her already stinging cheek bleed.

She swallowed and gagged as the felt the tip of him at her entrance when suddenly she heard a loud bang and he collapsed onto her, his body going limp and crushing her onto the bed.

Standing behind him was Claudine in her night dress looking hot faced and sweaty, with a frying pan raised above her head.

Fabienne cried harder when she saw her saviour, Claudine rushed over and they both worked together to tip the fat general off of her.

Once she was free she scrambled towards her maid and broke down crying on her lap.

She cried out of fear and shock for what seemed like hours until Claudine was finally able to coax her into calming down and taking a warm bath.

Fabienne shook with fear at the thought of sleeping in the same bed that she had just been assaulted in and also she was guessing that he was still lying on the floor, unconscious.

She watched Claudine as she scrubbed her with soaps and a soft sponge, she even payed special attention to be gentle on the places where blue and purple bruises were blooming.

Once she was dressed Claudine guided her to the only place she knew she would be safe, Therese’s Bedroom.

When they arrived Claudine politely knocked on the door which was almost immediately answered by Therese in her night gown with her hair in a neat side plait.

“Fabienne!! Ma Chere I did not expect to see you, I was just getting ready to go to bed. Sweetling you look horrible!! What has happened?”

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to tell you, all you need to know is that my room is not suitable to sleep in, I was wondering if I could sleep with you? Like when we were kids.”

Fabienne saw Therese melt as she nodded her head and gently motioned her inside.

Once Therese’s maids had blown out the candles and oil lamps she was left hugging her sister in bed, exactly how it used to be when she would have a nightmare.

She lay awake for hours, even after she heard Therese’s breathing steady as she drifted off to sleep.

Finally she felt her eyelids droop as rays of sun broke through the curtains and birds sang to welcome the new day.

Fabienne didn’t know what the new day would bring, would she be ready?

VanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora