Chapter 3

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“Will you kindly escort this peanut to the city, Jerrie?”

“Of course.”

“Ascertain that he’ll be back from wherever he came from and provide only if necessary, understand?”

“Yes sir.”

Ok so my very own brother didn’t believe me when I told him about the surrealism I’ve witnessed.  I thought he would because he got so worked up upon seeing Levi but my thoughts had let me down. Instead, he laughed similar to mine and I don’t know if he did it on purpose or was genetics just playing with us, still it annoyed the hell out of me that I had to pass the explaining to the Captain. Yet after Levi did the “best” that he could, ever so hard-headed Hamlet was unbreakable and just remarked that I should stop getting the stupidest idea in my childish head and forcefully led the both of us downstairs to have the ultimate confrontation. I was surprised upon hearing some certain details that I didn’t immediately know about that took place when I was unconscious for like almost half a day from my attendants and also, surprised because somehow, respect or… more like fear was shaped among them towards Lance Corporal Levi. Not too surprised rather…

“Wait!” I yanked my brother’s arm so that he could face me. “You cannot just send him off like that. I told you he’s not from here.”

“Obviously he’s not.”

“Tch… Hamlet! You’re my brother so I trust you enough to reveal the truth to you. I can’t believe you won’t believe me!”

“Honey look, I think you’re out of your mind.” He put his hands on my shoulders. “What you told me is just purely impossible. A portal in the sky? A fictional character came to life? Bobby…” he chuckled. “…You can do better than that!” And messed up my black bob while smirking at me.

“But I am not lying!”

“But I am not stupid either…”

He moved on giving instructions to Jerrie, son and successor of our head servant, about what to do with my “out of this world” guest. Levi didn’t falter while the disposition and interrogation carried forward in front of us and I just contemplated yet again.

Soon it was over, every attendant except for William and Jerrie were asked to return to their designated errands, all of my objections were objected, sassy retorts of Levi were disregarded, and conclusions were concluded, there was nothing I can do but to acquiesce with my insistent brother for then. Jerrie reluctantly accompanied Levi to the main door and I was muddled because it seems that the humanity’s strongest did not do anything to oppose. Not that it would better the situation but somehow or another I expected him to or hoped for it, I could say.

“Levi!” I called out.

They didn’t halt for a second not even for a split second however when they finally exited the mansion and Jerrie moderately closing the ridiculously huge double-door, I think I sighted Levi peered over his shoulders to my direction before the sound of a door shutting resonated in the foyer. I was locked on my feet, replaying his quite a face in my boggled mind and reflecting on a particular thing. Why the heck did I let him to be dismissed by my brother again?

I was about to run after them but Hamlet grasped my arm in the course of taking the first step…

“And where do you think you’re going?”

Breaking Heavens (Levi/Rivaille x O.C. fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now