Chapter 43: Unveiled

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Mana is all around me. Coating my skin, lacing itself in my hair, brushing against my face. It's in my blood too, running through my body, pumping itself through my heart. But it is not power I feel; instead, it is complete peace.

I float in this darkness, unthinking, unfeeling, perfectly still. My hands sift through the mana, my eyes stay closed, and for a moment, I want to remain here in this pristine quiet. Here, there are no worries. Here, there are no problems. No more exhausting battles, no more aches and pains from missions, just pure bliss.

Then I hear a voice, calling out to me, piercing the mana.

"Mari! Mari!" It cries.

I frown. That's me, isn't it?

"Mari! Please, stay with me!"

That's my name, but who's calling me?

"Fight it! Come on, I know you can do this! Mari!"

An image sears itself into my head: turquoise eyes, bright like the sky; a flame of red hair; an endearing grin. Leopold.

My hands clench as I struggle to rise. The mana weighs me down like heavy sandbags, spilling over my body, covering every inch of my skin. I kick my feet, thrash in protest, try everything I can to sit up. I start to hyperventilate as I writhe. Then, in the darkness, I see him again. I hear his words of encouragement, his hugs and smiles that give me so much comfort. I latch onto my memories and push myself up as I try to slow my breathing down. The peace is no longer so tempting, not after I've remembered what it's like to live and love and laugh. I grit my teeth as the mana tries to keep me down. My huffs turn into growls, which turn into shouts, which morphs into a scream of protest.

My eyes snap open. The mana is gone, as is the sensation of peace. Instead, I'm staring up at two turquoise eyes glistening with worry.

"Leo...?" I mumble weakly.

He lets out a sigh of relief and hugs me tight, pulling me up from the ground. "You're okay. God, you're okay."

The pain of overexertion slams itself back into my body, and I wince sharply. My throat is suddenly sore, and my lips are so parched that just breathing hurts. "Leo, I can't move," I wheeze.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." He sets me back down on the ground gently. "You must've used up a lot of mana."

"What... what happened?"

Something changes in his eyes; he becomes warier, more afraid. "You... you destroyed the base, Mari. I've never seen anything like it before."

"I... what?" My body goes cold as I try to remember the last hour or so. The memories come flashing back; my kidnapping, Mithras forcing fire flower down my throat, and the incredible surge of power I felt. But in terms of what happened after that, all I draw up is darkness. "I don't remember any of it."

"You weren't in a right state of mind. You weren't really... you." Leopold's voice catches, and he sounds like he's on the verge of tears.

Oh god, what did I do to him? "Leo, I'm so sorry. Whatever I did, I'm so sorry. I... did I hurt you?" The phrase repulses me as I say it. How could I ever hurt him?

"No, Mari. You shouldn't be apologizing for anything. I'm just a bit shocked, that's all." He gives me a weak smile, but I know he's way more shaken than what he's saying. I make a mental note to talk to him later, after this whole mess is over. "You were so powerful, but there was this coldness too you, like you were a machine or something," he mumbles.

"I... Mithras forced me to drink fire flower. That's why."

Leopold swears. "That bastard."

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