Chapter 10: Tears

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Captain Fuegoleon must've picked up on the situation between me and Leopold because he hasn't assigned us any more missions together, and he's been very lenient with my mission income. I haven't spoken to Leopold in the week that's passed since that day in Kikka, and by some ridiculous stroke luck, I haven't run into him yet either.

The morning light is bright today as I trudge back to my quarters. Yet another day without any missions. Maybe sparring practice, then? But the stuck-up noble ladies of the squad are using it today, and I can't bear to practice around them. What about going out into town? But then I think of that day in Kikka in all its horrifying glory, and I feel like vomiting. It's just... I thought he was better than that. I thought he would never stoop so low as to toy with someone else's feelings. When I said I admired him, I truly meant it. Even though I hate to admit it, his magic really is strong and incredible. He'll be a powerful Magic Knight when he grows up.

My thoughts turn back to how utterly shocked I was when I saw him speaking to those two assholes, Ferris and Derick. And then the worst part came right when Ferris painted out the details of their little agreement.

"Don't worry about it, Mister Royal. It's all in the past, but this is just a little payback. All you had to do was fake a few feelings, and then completely ignore her later! Shouldn't be too hard for you, right? She's a commoner. Nothing special. Nothing to get attached to."

I can't decide which part is worse; the fact that he didn't respond, or the fact that it's probably true.

Just let it go already, Mari. Stop thinking about his face, his smile, his apology... everything about him is fake. Stupid noble. Stupid royal. I steel my emotions as I near my room. I pull out my golden key and start to unlock the little red door snuggled into a cranny between the cobblestone wall and the arches.

"Mari!" A voice calls out, and my fingers tremble so much that I almost drop the key.

What is he doing here?! I start to shake, and emotion floods my body.

"Mari, please wait!" I hear his footsteps near me, and I jam the key in, fumbling around with it, trying to wrest the door open. Hurry up and open!

"Please, just listen to me!" I try to pull the key out, only to find if stuck. Shit!

It's too late. He's already a few feet away from me.

"The Crimson Ball is coming up."

I pause. Right. The Crimson Ball, an annual party held by the Crimson Lion squad. It's one of those snobby, elite-only events. I try to ignore him, try to keep pulling out my damn key. But he keeps standing there, keeps making my eyes dart to their corners to peek at him. I can't stand it.

"Why are you telling me this? Please... leave me alone. I obviously don't have a chance of going. Go talk to one of the noble, royal, ladies back in the sparring ring, or upstairs in their classy rooms," I say harshly, not caring how cold I come off. He fucking deserves it, asshole.

"I don't want to talk to them. I want to talk to you."

"Why?! Why do you want to talk to me?! I don't understand! I know you think nothing of me, I know you probably want to send me back to the boonies, so why?! Why do you talk to me?! Why do you make me feel this way?! Why do I still blush whenever I'm around you?! Why do I keep thinking about you?! Just... Just leave me alone!" I scream, tears squeezing out of my eyes.

Then my face is against his chest, and his hands are touching the back of my head, pulling me into a hug. I let out a gasp as he holds me tight against him. He's... warm. I look up in shock, the tears still dripping down my face.

"Don't cry," he murmurs, tracing his thumb underneath my eyes and wiping my tears away. "Tears aren't a good look for you." He gives me a gentle smile, so unlike the excited grins at Kikka. A smile with softly curling tips and sweet intentions.

But I come to my senses soon enough and I shove him away, spinning around and yanking out my key with pure force and adrenaline. I smash it back in and twist my door open before racing inside and slamming it shut behind me. He doesn't try to do anything, and after a minute or two, I hear him walk away.

What. Just. Happened?!

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