Tony Stark -14-

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You were totally the parent friend

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You were totally the parent friend. Always making sure no one did anything stupid, comforted them if they got hurt or sad, and was excellent in the kitchen. You also happened to have the power to summon fire, also known as pyrokinesis. You could be dangerous if you wanted, but you didn't often use your powers to harm, instead often using them helpfully to light candles, wood in fireplaces, and celebratory bonfires. Until you joined the new Avengers Initiative, started by Director Nick Fury of SHIELD, you had never used your powers aggressively. A meeting was called, for the whole team, on the SHIELD Helicarrier, and you decided to make a little treat.

"Who made these cookies?"

Tony Stark waved around one of the homemade oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies you'd brought to the meeting. You raised your hand, beaming proudly. Tony sighed, a smile flickering on his face as he then took a bite.

"You are way too wholesome. Now- how are we going to deal with Reindeer Games?"

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