Loki -20-

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"Fifty-five." Thunk. "Fifty-six."

"Just how bored are you?"

Loki startled and missed the little box of cards he was tossing up and down. It fell to the floor with a definitive thud, and he consequently turned to look at you with a mildly-annoyed expression, tucking his hands under his head. By now, he was used to you visiting him enough that your presence no longer put him off. In fact, he rather liked your company. It was a pity he was stuck in this prison cell, and you were not. Interestingly enough, you came to visit pretty often these days, despite knowing full well what he'd done on Midgard. You were an anomaly in his mind, and he desired to understand what kept bringing you back here.


A small smile crept onto your lips and you stepped up to the post at the corner of his cell's walls. Tapping something into a panel Loki couldn't see, you hummed to yourself for a few seconds, focused on your task. He caught himself staring and looked away just as the walls around him fell. Surprising himself, he didn't immediately leap to escape, he hesitated, giving you enough time to toss him the book in your hands and seal him back in. He narrowed his eyes at you, but you just shrugged and tried to hide a smirk.

"You know I can't just let you out. It took a pretty penny to learn that passcode, and a lot of promising I wouldn't leave it open too long."

You nodded at the book. "Take a look. I think you'll find it... enlightening."

As you sauntered away, whistling, he opened the book and found a note tucked against the inside cover. It was a string of numbers, and when he checked, letters within the novel were, indeed, circled. A simple cipher. He smiled to himself as he set to work, and within a few minutes, he was left shaking his head at you with wonder. First, you came to visit every day this week, then you offered a little puzzle for him to solve, somehow knowing he liked to crack codes, and now you'd given him a message promising a makeshift prison break soon to come.

Would you never stop astounding him? He hoped not.

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