The reason the boys despised Lacey's marks were the fact that they wondered how someone would be able to lay a finger on Lacey and not regret it? The boys immediately fell in love with Lacey. They took her in as a sister and Ross as a brother. Me, I was just there. They seemed to love me, too. They loved me, but not the bruises that haunted them and myself.

But Niall and Harry were the ones who hated them the most.

As soon as they were out of sight, he sighed and walked towards the door that led to the terrace. He walked out and the door closed behind him.

"Hey Darce? Lacey and I are going to the movies with Louis and Liam? Want to join?" Ross asked, trying to lift my spirits up.

"No, you go ahead. Don't let a sour puss like me ruin your fun," I smiled.

"Ok," Ross shrugged and got up, helping Lacey up with him. They met with Louis and Liam at the door and they walked out.

Harry and Zayn had gone out with some friends somewhere, one of them being Zayn's rumored girlfriend, Perrie. I've heard very nice things of her and I wondered if she really was that nice.

This meant that it was just Niall and me. I breathed out heavily and got up from my seat. I walked towards the terrace door and looked out through the screen.

Niall was seated on one of the plastic chairs. He was looking towards the sun, watching the orange and the pink colors swirl across the sky. I felt myself get lost in the beautiful view for a moment before shaking myself awake. I opened the door and made my way towards one of the plastic chairs beside him. I sat down. He seemed to have noticed me.

"Hey," I greet him.

"Hi," he mumbled.

"How's Amy?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"I saw her a bit after going to the police station,"he responded simply.

"Cool. Next time you see here, tell her I say hi," I said, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Next time, why don't you just come with me? Your arms will be proof enough that your stepmother commited child abuse," he said bitterly.

"I'm not a child," I pouted.

"You sure do whine like one," he snapped. I shut my mouth and looked towards the green hedges, biting back tears. In those green hedges was the same place I had had my first, real kiss with Harry.

"I'm sorry, Darce," Niall apologized. I turned back to look at him. Guilt shone across his rosy cheeks and in his brilliant blue eyes. He hid his face in his hands and sighed, frustratedly.

"It's ok," I muttered.

"No it's not. I should be helping you, not making you feel bad about yourself," he mumbled into his hands.

"Niall, I've been living in a house with these people for the past few years and they have told me the meanest things you could ever tell a person. I'm used to it," I defended him.

"But I'm your friend, and friends don't tell their other friends mean things like that, I'm sorry Darce," he apologized again.

"Don't worry about it Niall, just worry about your case and how you're going to win it," he looked up from his hands to see if I was joking, that I was kidding about giving him the OK to report my abuse. I winked at him.

He smiled.

"I'm going to do everything I can to prove your stepmother guilty," he said determination coating his voice.

"Do me proud kid," I smiled.

"You know one person gave me the chance to prove what I could do. She sat behind a table and my life was in her hands. And I told her I wouldn't let her down," he smiled at me.

"Who?" I asked.

"Katy. Katy Perry. It's because of her that I'm such a big mega popstar," he laughed.

"I told her I wouldn't let her down," he continued.

"Well, you certaintly didn't," I smiled at him. He smiled back before enveloping me in a warm hug.

I remember a night after listening to Amera and Cami blast the entire 'Up All Night' album. I had told Lacey that one of my goals in life was to get a Horan Hug.

Cross that off my To-Do List, I smiled.

~ Sorry it was so short, I just wanted to update....

i dont know the nxt time i'll update this story. it's a bit hard to continue writing 2 stories at the same time... i was going to finish this one first before writing the sequel to 'You'll Never Walk Alone' but I just couldn't wait to write the 2nd part...

Just Another Cinderella Story, is probably my best piece... it's gotten the most votes and whatnot so yea...

I'm glad you guys like my stories; you guys cant believe how much i love 2 read ur comments and see tht i've gained a new fan, it rely means alot to me. I love all you guys <3

well, so just hang in there, I might update 2morrow, depending on whether or not im able to get online :) spread my stories 2 ur friends and make sure they spread it 2 their friends, just like promote my stories.. if you want, u guys dont have 2, reading my stories is enough ;D

well goodnight -_- zzzz

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Just Another Cinderella StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora