Won't Let You Down- Darcy's POV

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I was Katy Perry.

I was giving Niall a chance to prove what he could do.

He was not going to let me down.

He proved to Katy that he could do what she expected and more. He became famous.

He didn't let her down.

And I knew that he wan't going to let me down, either.


We walked up the front steps and into the building.

"Appointment?" the lady asked without even acknowledging us.

"Niall Horan, 2:00 pm," Niall stated. I looked around. A security guard stood by the door. There were many people in the waiting room. They probably didn't have any appointments...

"Officer Jones will see you now," the lady said in the same, bored, monotone voice. He nodded and walked down the hall with me in tow. He knocked on a door that read 'Abuse Reports Office'.

"Come in," someone says from the other side and he opens the door. A man sits behind the desk reading a few reports on his desk. He had a bushy mustache and eyebrows to match.

"Oh, hello there, Niall," the officer smiles at Niall, who returns the smile.

"Hello officer. I, umm, brought you some proof for my case," he smiled gesturing towards me.

"Are you the victim?" the officer asked, standing up and walking over to me.

I nodded.

"Let me see them," he said. I knew he meant the bruises. I rolled up the sleeves of the long-sleeved shirt I had borrowed from Amy. She had been supplying Lacey and I with clothes while we stayed at the boys'. The officer's eyes widened as he saw my bruises.

"This is a bad case. Why didn't you report before, girl?" he asked astonished.

"I didn't want to atrract attention. My stepmother would have probably denied everything, anyway," I answered.

"You should have still reported it, sweetheart. We would have found out whether or not she was lying," Officer Jones told me. I shrugged.

He breathed out heavily, frustrated.

"Mr. Horan, do you have any other proof for this case?" Officer Jones turned to Niall.

"Actually, I do," Niall answered, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a manilla folder.

"What's this?" Officer Jones asked, opening the folder. I peeked into it and saw pictures of Ross and Lacey and their injuries.

"These are the other teenagers that were adopted along with Ms. Donnor," Niall smiled, gesturing to me.

"So there are more than just one teenager being abused by the same woman?" Officer Jones asked, raising his bushy eyebrows and looking up at Niall.

"Yes, they were adopted at the same time and at the same orphanage," Niall responded.

"We're best friends," I added. Officer Jones looked at me sympathetically.

"This is bad case, Ms. Donnor," he said simply, turning and walking to his desk.

"But, I'm pretty sure I'm not the worst case you've seen," I said defensively.

"Well, you were abandoned when you were only 12, you were in an adoption center for a short period of time, you and your best friends were adopted at the same time by the same person and you have been abused by this woman for 3 years and then even more brutally abused for another 5 months. So far, one of the worst I have seen," he said gravely. I hung my head down low in surrender.

"Niall, please take Darcy and her two friends to the hospital to see if you can do anything for those bruises," Officer Jones told Niall.

"Yes, sir, anything else?" Niall says beside me.

"All you can do is wait, son. We'll tell you when we start to press charges," Officer Jones replies.

"Ok, sir. Thank you," Niall says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and leading me towards the door.

"Bye, Darcy, we're going to try to win this for you," Officer Jones said.

"Thank you, sir," I said softly as Niall lead me out of the room.

We walked out into the parking lot and then got into the car. I sat there, looking straight forward.

"Thanks Darcy," Niall said from beside me as he put the key into the ignition.

"For what?" I said. I turned my head to look at him. He smiled at me.

"For letting me help you," he said. I smiled half-heartedly at him and he smiled back. He pulled out of the parking space and we drove back home.


hey guys :) sorry its short but i just havnt updated in a while and its because of school... seriously, i cant wait until summer already :/ im trying to update but i havny been able to and im sorry tht i havnt been updating :( got a volleyball game tomorrow! Wish me luck :D

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