Returns and kidnappings

Start from the beginning

She began immediately to talk about all her accomplishments, which weren't much by the way, after they had situated themselves in the living room after greeting James. They still hadn't seen a sign of Hadrian. Well, until Severus heard something making a sound from upstairs, as if someone dropped something. He looked up, saw nothing of course, then shot a glance over to the pair he came with. They had also heard the noise and made eye contact. They nodded their heads discreetly at each other and stood up in one fluent movement.

"If you don't mind, we want to go around the house some" Remus stated while beginning to move.

"Why don't we come wi-" James began, but was soon interrupted by Sirius.

"That wont be necessary."

They hurriedly made their way upstairs together and started looking for the origin of the sound.

Sirius began to listen through all the doors, to see if he could hear anything. Severus and Remus discussed what the origin could be. Since Sirius couldn't find anything after opening and closing all the doors on this floor. He did find a bathroom and two bedrooms, Lily and James' and what he only could guess was Hannah's if all the pink was a clue. What he didn't find though was a reason for the noise and a room where his godson could possibly live.

So when they saw the set of stairs, they only shared a glance, before going up them, curious as to what they would find.

At the top they could see a little door which was no taller than up their waists. When Sirius pressed his ear to this door, he could hear heavy breathing. He looked back at the pair behind him and nodded his head. Remus came forth and tried the handle on the door, but it wouldn't budge. He heaved a sigh and used his wand to unlock it before trying again.

This time it opened. Remus looked inside and his eyes widened at the sight. It was a little room, maybe 5 square meters with no room for an adult with their heights to stand fully up. There was a little bed on the other side of the room underneath a window which looked it belonged to a child because of the size. The room also had a little bookshelf filled with books and a wooden chest they suspected had clothes and/or belongings in it. When they heard a little gasp, Remus turned his head and made eye contact with a little kid. The kid was sitting in a little beanbag chair with a notepad and pencil in hand.

The kid continued to stare opened mouthed at the stranger that had his head in his room. When he registered what was happening, he started to panic slightly and hunch in on himself.

Remus saw the change in the kids stature and crawled inside, showing his hands in front of himself in a surrendering manner, he came closer.

"hey, hey." Remus said calmly while getting closer. "We aren't here to hurt you." His tone was soothing so that he wouldn't frighten this little boy.

When Remus was inside, the other followed through the little door opening. The pair sat themselves on the floor on the other side to room as to not crowd the boy while he was panicking.

While Remus tried to calm him, Severus and Sirius got a good look at him and were shocked.

The boy looked nine years old and had raven black hair going just passed his shoulders. He had a little stature and pale milky white skin as if he has never seen sunshine. His eyes were a bright green which seemed so dull compared to what they thought they should be. They came to same conclusion at the same time. This boy was Hadrian Potter. Their favourite honorary nephew.

Remus had come to the same conclusion as the others, but didn't let it show like the others did with their mouths hanging open.

He got closer to Hadrian, still trying his best to calm the hyperventilating boy. When it finally looked like Hadrian was calm, he moved back a bit, to let Hadrian know that he could make the first move.

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