• Epilogue •

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(Third Person's Perspective)

The moment had finally arrived for which Aditya had been counting days literally and this time it was Zoya who was feeling nervous to meet Aditya, on the evening of Christmas day. She knew that he was giving her time to cope up with her feelings but then again she had known him for quite some time.

Zoya was eagerly prepared for the first date that she had agreed to go out with her 'supposedly-boyfriend' Aditya. It wasn't anything official yet but Arjun and Noor had already accepted Zoya and Aditya as their 'Bhabhi' and 'Jiju' which made Aditya and Zoya blush.

Zoya almost felt as if she had grown younger with time and she is a teenager, who is waiting to meet her date for the Prom Night excitedly. The butterflies in her stomach never stopped giving her the feeling of falling in love all over again. That too with someone who has always been there for her, Aditya.

Whether it was in a bond that was strange to them from the beginning, a bond that brought them closer to each other unknowingly, a bond which made Zoya trust Aditya blindly with any decision in her life or a bond which made Aditya and Zoya best friends for a lifetime to find themselves and fall in love madly.

The day had finally arrived when Aditya would be taking Zoya, his unofficial girlfriend out on their first date. Christmas indeed is a special occasion to be celebrating a first date with your loved one and as far as the matter goes with Aditya and Zoya, though Aditya knew that Zoya reciprocated the same feelings for him as he does for her, unless she accepts him wholeheartedly saying the three magical words as cliche as it may sound, he decided that he won't force her to accept her feelings which is visible to even Noor and Arjun but then again, when it comes to their date they've gone out with each other numerous times for friendly dates as best friends. So what would be the difference about today's date?

Aditya didn't want to pressurize his love since he was aware that it might be quite hard for Zoya to gulp the truth of the moment that her best friend has been in love with her unknowingly since weeks. They both had been through rough patches in their lives and it ought to take time to embrace these feelings once again. Aditya wanted to take baby steps to accomplish their love and become Zoya's Aditya forever and no matter how long it takes, he decided that he will wait as his heart only needed Zoya.

The city was almost dead past nine'O clock when Zoya has announced to her parents that Noor and she would be going to ZoYa for an emergency meeting to start planning their first event for the new year. Since Zoya had mentioned that the entire staff of AdiYa would be attending, Waseem wasn't a tiny bit worried about the odd time that his daughter's were seeking permission to go out and was glad to support them in any possible way.

The sisters hid their excitement when Waseem patted their heads and asked them to arrive as soon as they can. Noor grabbed the car keys running towards the cabinet and she rushed along with Zoya to get their seats inside the vehicle. Once settled inside the car Noor and Zoya exchanged a quick hug out of sheer happiness.

Noor was driving the car almost till the end of their lane and at the right corner, Aditya's Benz was parked and out walked the man himself, with a dimpled smile adorning his face. He was dressed up in casual blue denims and a red coloured shirt which made him look even more handsome and younger than any other day, as if younger than Arjun with his silk hair combed back. Zoya's thoughts were running haywire seeing Aditya and she tried controlling her racing heart just by one glance at him.

Her heart started thudding loud enough for her to hear when Aditya cheekily smiled at her direction and Noor, noticing the little glances exchanged between her elder sister and Aditya, hid her smile and slowly patted her appi's shoulder to which Zoya shuddered and looked at Noor in surprise.

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