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" why are you so good at these pick-up lines? "

a date


            Loki and Wanda groaned simultaneously. Another couple had placed themselves in front of the window and they couldn't see the pair that they were spying on.

"Let's just go inside and spy on them," Loki said, stuffing their stuff into his bag. They sneakily crawled behind a different bush and managed to stand up onto the pathway and lined up to enter the restaurant.

"Can you see them from here?" Wanda asked, leaning forward to look around the line.

"I can now," Loki stepped forward as the line moved up a bit.

Wanda shuffled forward and spied on Tony and Stephen. "Ooh, Stephen isn't eating anything, we couldn't see that from inside,"

"And Tony's almost done eating, I wonder what they'll do,"

"Well Stephen's stayed here for this long, so at least they're tolerating each other," Wanda shrugged. "I see this as a win,"

            The line moved up again and Loki and Wanda walked up. They were almost at the front. 

Loki glanced back at Wanda, who was leaning on one foot to get a good look at the pair. He frowned as he stepped forward as the line was clearing up. Wanda was the first person to even help him with one of his schemes, let alone accompany him on the blind-date.

"Hey, I think they're moving Loki," Wanda whispered to him, breaking through his thoughts. 

            Loki frantically looked at where the pair was sitting. Tony was passing the waitress a check and the pair was standing up. "Uh,"

"What do we do, we're right at the exit they'll definitely recognize us," Wanda realized. She turned to Loki. "What do we do?"

"Uh, well,"


Tony was finishing with his meal as he scrapped the last of it off the plate. "Are you sure you're not hungry?"

"Nope, I'm sure," Stephen assured.

Tony called the waitress for the check. "Alright, that's up to you," 

            Stephen bit his lip. "Tony,"

"Yes?" Tony looked up at him as he held the check and passed his credit card to the waitress to scan.

Stephen felt his face flush white, or red, he didn't know. "Um, I just wanted to say I had a fun evening, even if I wasn't expecting you to be here,"

Tony raised his eyebrow in amusement, receiving back his credit card and receipt. "Do want to have a funner evening?" He leaned forward in excitement.

Stephen stared at him in confusion. "It's 'more fun', not funner,"

"I know genius, come on," Tony stood up and beckoned him to follow him out of the restaurant. "I promise I won't kill you,"

            Stephen sighed. "Alright, fine," He stood up and followed Tony out of the restaurant.


"What do we do?" Wanda hissed.

Loki's mind raced. "Um, kiss me,"


Together || 𝙼𝙲𝚄 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑-𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝙰𝚄 ~ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝟏Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu