NINE: Breaking The Most Important Rule

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Credit to Artist^^

" this wasn't going to end well "

breaking the most important rule

fighting together

Stephen slipped through the crowd as lunch rolled in. Tony. Where was that short kid? It would be impossible to see him in this crowd. He finally made it to Tony's locker, where he was.

"Tony, I was looking for you since recess," Stephen panted, out of breath.

"Well I was trying to avoid you," Tony muttered, closing his locker.

"Look, I don't know what's up with you, but we need to initiate the heist now," Stephen stepped after him.

"Heist?" Tony frowned at the word. "That's a stupid name,"

"Well, the plan is, we'll stage a public fight in the cafeteria and announce a competition for the football game tomorrow," Stephen quickly explain, placing his hands on Tony's shoulders, directing him towards the cafeteria.

"Hey, I'm going to the circle," he said.

"No one's there, everyone's meeting us at the Cafeteria. They've got to pretend to be scared or worried. It'd be weird if it was just us two anyway," Stephen walked beside him.

"Why are you telling me this now? I thought we were going to do it later,"

"Becuase, it is impossible to find you,"

Tony smiled. "Well, I guess I'm good at avoiding people,"

"Not as good as Loki," Stephen shrugged, smirking at Tony.

"Alright, just some ground rules for the fake fight. No actual fighting, like punches, maybe some shoving, no personal topics, try not to get anyone else involved, and nothing too bad as so to get Fury involved," Tony said.

Stephen nodded, as they approached Natasha and Bucky, who was at the entrance of the cafeteria. "Okay, ready?"

Natasha and Bucky casually followed them into the Cafeteria, they were talking about the latest episode of their favorite show. They entered the cafeteria, the one place in the school they avoided with a passion.

The busy room was filled with tables, people and gross body odor. Tony took a deep breath. He saw some of the others sitting on a table. How they got a table, who knows. Multiple people were sitting on the ground or were leaving to some other place.

"Alright, are you ready?" Stephen whispered loudly.

"We're gonna need a big distraction to get everyone quiet," Tony said in a normal voice, barely audible.

Stephen looked around. "Okay..." he did a few gestures with his hands and pushed forward. A few empty chairs and a table crashed against the wall. Stephen shrugged, muttering sorry, as he shoved Tony in the same direction.

Together || 𝙼𝙲𝚄 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑-𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝙰𝚄 ~ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝟏Where stories live. Discover now