ELEVEN: After School And Homework Issues

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Credit to Artist ^^

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Credit to Artist ^^

" i can romance talk "

after school and homework issues


Steve was walking down the path as he got off the bus. Bucky jumped off too and followed him home. Steve rolled up his jacket sleeve to inspect the hastily down bandage around his forearm. One of Obadiah's buddies had managed to cut him in the fight. Fortunately, it wasn't too deep and Steve had worse before.

"Jeez, Nat didn't do a good job," Bucky raised his eyebrows, seeing Steve scratch the sides of the bandage.

"Well, she did well considering they were bandages from Clint's locker and she did it really quickly because we were late for class," Steve explained, his fingers trying to crawl under the bandage.

"Don't scratch it, it'll get infected. I'll fix it up when we get to your place. Do you still have that medical box from when you used to get beat up in Primary?" Bucky asked, remembering the after-school sessions of him cleaning up Steve.

"Yeah, it's somewhere in my closet," Steve smiled, as they approached his house.

"I'm home, mom," Steve called, as they entered. He quickly pulled down his jacket sleeve as she walked from the kitchen to see him.

"Hello, Bucky," His mom greeted.

"Afternoon Sarah," Bucky replied politely. The two of them entered Steve's bedroom, where he opened the closet to find the box.

Bucky sat on the edge of his bed and watched Steve. Soon enough, he also sat on the bed. "Here," he opened the box and passed it to Bucky.

Bucky took out the bandages and disinfectant and began to unwrap Natasha's bandage. Steve's phone buzzed. He received a notification.

Messaging: -Stephen.Strange left 'Singles Pringles Except Nat'

Steve frowned and showed Bucky the screen before pressing the notification. "You know why he left?" he asked.

"Nup," Bucky shook his head, tightening the new bandage on Steve's arm.

Steve opened the group chat and sent a text.

Roger.That: -Why did Stephen leave?-

 He got quick replies.

Caw.Caw.Clint: -No idea-

Roger.That: -does anyone know if we have detention bc of the fight?-

Nat69: -yeah, Fury thought Tony and Stephen were fighting bc of their rivalry thing. They got a bunch of detentions-

Steve turned to Bucky. "We aren't in trouble, Tony and Stephen managed to get us out of the story,"

"Did they get in trouble?" Bucky closed the box and leaned on Steve to see his messages.

Together || 𝙼𝙲𝚄 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑-𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝙰𝚄 ~ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝟏Where stories live. Discover now