EIGHTEEN: More Schemes

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" since when do you listen to stephen? "

more schemes


            "You really think they're going to fall for that?" Wanda exclaimed, placing some books onto the table and sitting down.

"Yes!" Loki sat down opposite her, lowering her voice since they were in the library. "I mean, have you seen them? Who's going to give them the push if not us?"

Wanda rolled her eyes. "I know what you mean, but I meant, how on earth are we supposed to convince them? Especially Stephen,"

            Loki opened a book. "That's why I have a plan,"

"Alright, tell me your master plan," 

Loki folded her arms. "Easy. I convince Tony, and you convince Stephen,"

"That's it?" Wanda raised her eyebrow.

Loki frowned at her. "I know what it sounds like, but, Stephen is friends with you, and with what happened last night, Stephen won't trust me,"

            "And Tony will?"

"Maybe not, but I know how to convince him," Loki assured.

Wanda sighed. "...Alright, I'll help with the plan," Loki brightened up. "Except, if something goes wrong, I'm blaming you,"

Loki nodded. "That's fair. Alright, the date info will be 6:30 pm, tomorrow night at the Red Room Restaurant, okay?"

"Got it," Wanda nodded. Loki grinned and began reading the book. Wanda sighed. "I'll go find Stephen," She stood up and began to leave.

            As Loki was about to say bye, Wanda suddenly ducked behind a bookshelf and shushed Loki. "What?" Loki whispered.

Wanda shook her head and peeked through a small opening in the bookshelf. Loki quietly got up and snuck beside her, also peering through the gap. Vision was in the aisle, going through some books.

"What's wrong with him?" Loki whispered again.

Wanda grabbed her shoulders and ducked down, so they were both sitting on the ground, leaning back on the bookshelf. "Nothing,"

            "Then why are you avoiding him?" She asked, trying to look back into the aisle.

Wanda frowned and poked Loki's face to face her. "I'm trying to avoid him okay?"

"Why? I thought you were all happy together."

Wanda sighed. "He's moving upstate for some scientific research or something about his medical conditions. He told me on our third date,"  she explained.

Loki made a fake pouting face. "Aw, that's too bad,"

"Jeez," Wanda playfully shoved her. "I was happy, and I'm happy for him. I just avoiding him because it's awkward,"

            "If I was to avoid everything awkward in my life I would've already left the school, it's fine," Loki said.

Wanda faced forward. "I know, I'd just rather not, you know. Plus, I've got so much more to do, like set up a blind date with Stephen and Tony," she patted Loki on the head, to which she scowled at, but eventually stood up with her.

Wanda grinned and waved bye. "I'll see you later," she sneakily walked passed the aisle and left the library without a disturbance. Loki smiled after her, already formulating the arguments to convince Tony to go on a blind date.

Together || 𝙼𝙲𝚄 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑-𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝙰𝚄 ~ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝟏Where stories live. Discover now