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"Please take care of my children."

I asked my mother and Eli's parents. They're the only people that will take good care of my children. I don't know what will happen to me and I need this madness to end. I hugged Eli, who was already dead, before I decided to face Chaos.

It's painful that Eli died on me and I did nothing for him. I'm a loser and being his shield, I'm useless.

I heard Chaos's laugh as luck took his side. Lucky he is that Nigel reverted back to his original form. If not, he's no longer in this world.

"You're out of luck, humans!" Chaos said.

I sighed and went near to Hailey. This is the time that I must do all I can even if I failed.

"What are we going to do?" Hailey asked me.

"We will fight until we can." I answered.

"Some of the packs are on their limits now." She said.

"It's okay. At least they did something good and we shouldn't fail them for their efforts and sacrifices. All we have now is ourselves."

I'm on my fused elemental armor and still my shields were on my parents and Eli. I won't say that this is farewell but I'll say that this is the last time of my life where I did something worthy for everyone. I usually nag and rant before, got upset the entire life before I met Eli. But what made me change is my love for Eli. It made me a different person and believed that I can do anything for him. However, I wasn't that strong just like him.

Chaos is taking dark energy from the environment. Monsters rose up from the ground and many were coming to us. Earthquakes, lightning storms, strong ominous wind, and black fire became rampant now. It's destroying the world and the only thing that still holds on from the calamity was Garreth's mansion. The forest of silence was burned by black fire. All the buildings in the city collapsed because of the earthquakes. Trees and animals died because of the calamity, and no humans were spared from the darkness.

"I am almost at my victory. Eternal darkness will forever live in this world." Chaos said with proud.

My pack were killed by the monsters as they grew stronger and stronger. The sacred beasts can no longer hold them. All that's left were us. Eli's parents who carried my children, mother, Garreth on the ground unconscious, the sacred beasts, Eli and me. We gathered at the center as the monsters were aiming at us now. I cast my strongest defense, barrier in the core and my four shields on the surface.

"What are you doing?" Selene asked.

"Protectin everyone." I answered.

"We can't win if we only defend ourselves." Hailey said.

"I know but my shields can hold them for a few minutes. I have something to do."

"And what is that?" Henry asked.

"To bring back Eli. He's the only one can defeat Chaos." I answered.

"But how?" Lady Vivian asked.

Honestly, it's just a hunch but I still try whatever method I have. I asked my elemental wolves to protect us for a few minutes. The monsters are attacking the shields as well as Chaos. He's persistent to kill us and rule this world.

I touched Eli's hand, it's cold and I can't feel any life force from him. It's sad that he ended up like this just because of someone's selfishness and greed. I have only one method to bring him back alive and I hope it works even if it cost anything.

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