Yin Yang

226 20 5

Dark magic is a forbidden spell that our clan has and it all started when mother did this law. But, from one of his descendants, I am the one who break the law as I am using it now to fight against the dark witches.

On my hand, all the dark aura in this area were sucked out from their witches body and I compressed it into a dark energy ball. No one escape from my dark magic, not even the Dark Lord.

"Kill him!" Peter shouted as he struggled resisting against my dark magic.

"How can your army kill me if I sucked out their magic?" I mocked him.

Peter was pissed and so as Vladimir and Helena. Their powers were sucked out too and I want them to be drained. This is the reason why they all became corrupt and can't go back to light.

But, I was almost hit by a large boulder and gladly I dodged it. I sensed his presence before he threw me that boulder.

"Maxima." I said when he helped out his Master.

My dark energy ball stopped from sucking the dark magic of the witches but that doesn't mean that their powers will return to them. Instead, I used it against as I break the dark energy ball and became a bomb that hit everyone around me in a wide area. That dark bomb is not a missed and no one can dodged it too.

The witches were all down and that leaves the Dark Lord, Helena, Vladimir and Maxima who got up after the explosion.

"You just rot in the ground, Sirius!" Peter shouted at me.

"I'm sorry but I can't because I will crush that hope you had." I answered back.

Peter looked at Helena and Vladimir. They didn't expect this to happen. Well, that is how to start crushing their hope to conquer this world. I didn't expect too that they were fools who believed everything that they can see in their naked eyes. I was kind of disappointed too because they didn't even sensed that those were astra drops.

Vladimir ordered Maxima to attack me while Helena was casting a spell. Peter vanished and hide from the shadows. I knew he will attack me in a surprised but the first thing I did was to face Maxima.

He was huge and very strong in terms of physical attack. It was easy for me to dodge it because I used Atalanta's wind walk. Maxima's punches were always missed and I countered with earth magic. Inorder to break a boulder is to attack it with boulder too. I threw five big buolders to Maxima and he crushed it with his fist but he didn't know that his fist was bleeding.

Those boulders that I threw at him weren't just ordinary boulder. It inflicts damage even it is crushed or smashed. However, Maxima didn't feel a thing and he keeps going, attacking me with his fist. I took a glance to Helena who was casting a spell. She didn't notice that the dark spell she's casting will attack her soon.

Vladimiri joined our fight between Maxima. He's attacking me in close combat and the barrier protected me from being hit. Because I got bored from this fight, I cast water geysers and it surrounded me inorder to protect myself while Maxima and Vladimir took a hit.

"You're not called as the strongest warlock for nothing." Vladimir said.

"Yes, and that's my advantage against all of you."

I cast shadow bind and they can't move even a muscle. They're under my control and I cast a spell. A huge gate in form of circle appeared in front of Vladimir and Maxima. Spirits or souls came out from the gate and they attacked both of them. My spell was called, Soul Gate.

Because they were bind through the shadow, the spirits was free to hit them and took a lot of damage.

"Die!" I heard Helena shouted as she completed her spell but I grinned at her.

Enchanted: Phoenix AriseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ