Minion of the Night

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As far as I know, they were created by the dark witches but I was wrong. There were no dark witches at the time that this vision showed us. A young witch, who pity the dead, a dead who was murdered by the barbaric man. The young witch resurrect the man under a full moon which gives more power to the young witch.

However, the young witch wasn't strong yet and her action paid a price. The man was curse with immortality. His teeth grew out a sharp fangs, he became cold like an ice, eyes were red, and thirsty for blood. Because of the transition, the man who turned into a vampire sucked out the blood of the witch and gained power, which it gave life to his ability.

The vision continue and followed the life of the vampire. He got burned by the ray of sunlight when he tried to come out. Every night, he tried to look for a witch to help him... help him to get out in daylight. It took him more decades until he met a witch.

A nine year old girl with extreme powers met the undead. He asked the girl in discreet to help him and the little girl agreed. However, the little girl told the vampire to wait when she's eighteen.

In a span of years, the vampire always follow in discreet where the little witch was going. He wanted to protect the little witch until eighteen. He make sure that little girl will reach at that age and will claim his wish.

Nine years later, the young girl became a full grown witch. Her powers exceeds all the witches. Because of jealousy from the coven, the dark witches was established. They were against the most powerful witch and wanted to take her powers and a battle happened. The little witch which is most powerful became destructive and all the witches feared her. However, the leader of the dark coven is too persistent. While the most powerful witch was distracted by protecting her allies, a dark witch casted a black magic. Instead of the most powerful witch, the vampire shield her with his body.

Because the vampire was already dead since in the beginning, the black magic spell has no effect on him. What the vampire did was he suppressed the spell on his hand and he threw it back to the caster and it ended the leader of the dark coven.

Victory was on the most powerful witch and she thanked the vampire for what he did.

Because of what the vampire did, the witch granted his wished. The witch gave him an emblem and I was surprised to see the emblem because it is the emblem that the vampire who attacked had on his right ear.

"Selene... who is he?"

"Let the vision answer your question, Sirius."

I continued and the vampire was grateful to the witches. He became one of the witches allies and served the most powerful witch. He became the eyes of the witch in daylight and nightime. The leader of all witches live peacefully until she met a man who can control time.

"Damn! I was so stupid! This is Mom and Dad." I reacted when I saw the man can control time.

"Silly! You didn't recognize them?"

"How could I recognized them if they were still young." I answered.

Selene laughed at me and I continued watching the vision.

Dad was a witch too. He was strong because he can control time. Mom fell in love and they got married after four years. They're too young to get married, exactly twenty tao years old. Marrying the most powerful witch, a ritual was held and made my father the shield. If there was a shield, my mother has a sword too and that surprised me because her sword was no other than the vampire who saved her. The vampire gained more power because of it.

Mother got pregnant and give birth to my big brother, Garreth. This is the period where Andres and Beatrice met with my parents. They served under the Boswell family and treated them as family.

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