cheries seems like
a lovely idea but
can't, i'm having
dinner with a friend

jasonmccan a friend ?
oh, great then

cheries it's my coworker
don't worry

jasonmccan a coworker ?
it could be anyone, an old
pervert, a thirteen year
old kid, a girl who went
to college with you or
a boy that's your age. . .

cheries just ask what
you wanna ask

jasonmccan ask ?
i have no questions
or doubts, just be
careful, love you

cheries meh
okay bye

READ AT 12:58 PM

cheries still
here by the

jasonmccan fine, is
it a guy ?

cheries don't worry,
nothing will happen
you trust me right ?

jasonmccan yes but
is it a guy ?

cheries maybe,
maybe not

jasonmccan fine fine,
just be careful and call
me if you need anything

cheries i'm your
girlfriend, not your

jasonmccan you can
be both sometimes

SEND AT 1:01 PM.

jasonmccan so it's a
guy ?

READ AT 1:03 PM.

jasonmccan i take that
as a yes, it's cool whatever,
i trust you so i have nothing
to worry about, i won't be
the jealous and insecure
boyfriend don't worry
but does he have muscles ?
maybe a six pack ? dreamy
eye ? kissable lips ? haha
joking i don't care because
i trust you, after all you
are my girlfriend so it's
cool, it's cool

SEND AT 1:05 PM.



Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

SEND AT 1:06 PM.

jasonmccan wait maybe
do you want to call just
to make sure you get
there safely ?

SEND AT 1:06 PM.

jasonmccan you aren't
answering my texts but
that's okay, i will call you


hubby 💦is calling
big booty but a small back 👅!


"Hey baby, where
you at ?"

"I'm in the car,
my phone keep
buzzing off mister
I'm needy"

"Sorry, I just had to
call you, I trust you,
you know that right ?"

"Well clearly you
don't trust me
enough if you
had to call me"

"I trust you, it's just
I don't trust hi-,"

"Don't trust him,
the same old
saying, it's old
for a reason,"

"Fuck, I'm sorry I
shouldn't have called
I trust you, I don't
know why I'm acting

"But I get why, I
mean he's a good
looking man, beautiful
brown eyes, abs for
days, biceps don't
even get me started
and that ass like Kim
Kardashian who ?"

". . . . ."

"Hey I'm close
to my destination
call you later, bye"

"Wait Chérie you can't

ding tong !

"Hold on someone is at
the door-,"

"Hello mister I'm
jealous of myself"


CHERRY BOMB. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin