Nine Years Ago- Emily

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       So I felt like since I made a prologue for Tazanna I should make one for Emily.....sooo here ju go!

            CPS took me away from my father when I was only 7. He became a drug addict after my mom died, giving birth to me. I was put in the foster care system after he nearly overdosed on coke and was sent to the hospital. I was moved from foster home to foster home until I was 11 when my dad got back custody of me and that's when shit got crazy. I don't know what was going through the judge's mind when they gave him custody. He was more fucked up than he was after my mom died.

"Why aren't the lights turning on?!" I heard my dad yell one day downstairs when I was 12. I was in my bed reading a book with my headphones in and iPod playing Never Too Late by Three Days Grace. I huffed and flopped off my bed, running downstairs. I stopped at the bottom stair and leaned against the wall.

"You didn't pay the electricity bill, so we don't have any power," I said in a bored tone which obviously pissed him off, cause next thing I know is a burning sting and a loud clap hits my cheek. I put my hand to my cheek and look up at him with unshed tears in my eyes. His eyes had rage burning in them.

"Don't you ever fucking disrespect me like that, little girl!" He spat. He grabbed my hair and pulled me into the empty closet. He threw me in and slammed the door.

"I'll let you out when you learn to shut your fucking mouth and respect me." He would say and walk away. Sometimes he would leave me in there for days either because he was never home, or he was so high that he forgot I was in there. I would bang on the door, crying and screaming for him to let me out but he never seemed to hear me, I would go days with no food or water. One time he left me in there for a whole five days, I was to the point where I was so thirsty that I had to drink my own spit. Then he would come to the door, open it and look down at me smugly.

"You ready to behave?" He would say. That went on for two years.

I love my dad, so much. I guess that's why I never told anyone what he's done. I would go to school and work with a smile on my face and have a cheery mood. Then I would get home, go to my room and cry. As I got older, I realized my dad had a serious problem and he needs help. When I was 17, I was going to try and talk to him about getting help, maybe rehab. I came home to my dad on the couch, lips blue, skin chalk white, and body ice cold. His eyes were rolled back into his head. I looked over at the coffee table to see the crystal substance spread out everywhere. I started screaming, fell to the floor with tears running down my face.

"DAD!" I screamed over and over. Next thing I know is police officers are dragging me out of the house, me kicking and screaming for them to let me go so I can go run to my dad. I cried so hard and screamed for him. I saw the EMT bring him out in a black body bag, trailing him into the ambulance. The two cop guys who were holding me back finally let me go and I fell to my knees, sobbing from the pain and isolation that was hitting me. I had no one left. I was really alone now.

*oof....Emily has been through some shit.....* At first, I wasn't going to make this until I was really stuck on what I should write for the first real chapter so when I was face timing my best friend I told her I was stuck and boom! That idea hit me and my chubby fingers flew across the keyboard lol...

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 13, 2019 ⏰

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