Long-distance relationship

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He was magnetic. She couldn't help herself whenever he was near. Her eyes searched for him and locked onto his form as if for the first time.

He was mesmerizing. A quick glance always left her wanting more. She never had enough.

He was huge. His presence screamed, "Look at me!" But he never had to say it. She did anyway.

He was always there, even when she couldn't see him. The only one she knew would always be there for her.

He was new every time. She looked at him in wonder to discover new mysterious shadows in his features.

He cheated. He didn't mind showing himself to others. He was never hers to keep.

He was distant. Her laments went unanswered. He didn't respond.

And still, she loved him. 

When everyone was asleep, she'd sneak out of her bed to be with him. She reached out to him as if to stroke him. She sang him songs, told him her deepest secrets and desires.

But he was never truly with her. Such was the curse of the perfect lover. So real and so imaginary at the same time.


A/N: Did you get it? Who is he?

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