Revealed but unsaid

Start from the beginning

William smiled however, assuring him "It's gonna be Okay Apollo, you can count on me or Victor; and besides maybe you can calm 'em with your music. That is if you still have the lyre." Joseph smiled saying "Of course I do. Never thought I would love it as much, but I did. If I did not, you would still be a babe living in a cave."

"Yeah yeah, that was my ticket to Olympus—Oh, got an idea! Why don't you use your music to court 'Sop!"

"O-oi! We're not there yet!" Joseph said flustered. William just smirked; "Yet? Oh so you do have a plan." "I-I do." He admitted softly, "Just.. what if—" "What if it happens again." William sighs. There was no one in Olympus who would not know the disaster of Joseph's turbulent love life. In his defense, Joseph was tricked by them.

Time seemed to start moving again although frantically. "Time's up." Joseph sighed. William looked askance, as though he wanted to ask more but stopped himself. "Let's get a move on." William said, timing his snap as the crowds started moving again.

They first went east to Naib and Norton. They saw the two standing together, looking somewhat tense. William sensed the energy and started to sprint, immediately yelling "Naib! Norton! Heads up—". The two looked at their direction, catching the bread William threw. "Hey Jos! Joining us?" Naib grinned, but his smile was stretched thin. "I am." Joseph smiled somewhat crudely, itching to question what had occurred. Though, upon further inspection, he noticed something odd, "Aura?" There was a trace of a signature—another 'God' or 'blessed' in both Norton and Naibs hands. It felt similar to his own but not exactly either.

Clearly it was through touch. Another with psychometry? A clairvoyant? nay—

He gestures to William, eyeing both their hands. Taking the hint, William asked "Hey! What happened there?" Naib and Norton looked at each other with pursed lips. "Nothing much really. We just met someone on the way. Norton might have a new love—" "Shut up!" Naib snickered as Norton shoved him away. The fierce warrior might have masked it with a joke, but Joseph did not miss the slight hesitancy in his tone.

"Is that so.." the atmosphere turned somewhat tense. "W-well head on to the temple Will, Jos. Meet ya there." Naib said as he walked on. Norton looked back, looking somewhat sad as he said Good bye, trailing after Naib.

"Something is definitely wrong."

"Right? Those two probably bumped into a fortune teller or something—You saw their hands Joseph."

William sighed, rubbing his temples as he did. "Come on, let's think about it later and get Sop and Els their food. Besides, you've been waiting all day, lover boy." This time, Joseph didn't rebuke it.

It was an absurdly hot day for Eli Clark. He couldn't help but curse at the sun for making the weather unbearable. Especially for the clothing he preferred wearing at all times. He could never go without his robe lest someone might uncover his—issue. Nevertheless it was bearable because he could finally spend time with his most favored person, Aesop Carl or 'Hyacinth'. They've known each other for so long, but until now he could not call him by his name even though he so desperately wished to. He did not feel like his heart could take it if he did.

Though when he utters his name on his lips, he speaks each syllable with reverence like a prayer. He could not help but long for the youth. He has kept his distance, even glimpses felt enough for him. His smile is enough to make his day. However, since the arrival of one came, this system of his has been threatened. His time with Hyacinth has been compromised by an otherworldly vermin. He could not feel anything, but contempt for that man. He could see the way Aesop would shy around him. The flowers that became a staple to his image beside the he had given ribbon. How could he not when he knew who caused it? He has tried to dial down his true feelings, yet it always climbs up to the surface.

The God and The Youth [IdentityV JosCarl]Where stories live. Discover now