Chapter 129: Insecure

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Laying blissfully in on Drake's chest Adriana traced random figures on his abdomen. "I really missed you Aubrey."

"I missed you too baby girl." Drake said and kissed the top of her head.

Adriana shifted herself so that she could look up at him. "I'm really sorry about everything that happened."

"You don't have anything to be sorry about baby girl. None of what happened was your fault."

Adriana nodded. "Yeah, I know. That's what everyone keeps saying. But if I hadn't been so stubborn all of this could have been avoided. If I had just taken you back...." her phone sounded letting her know she had an incoming call making her pause mid sentence. She turned to glance at it and saw Jeremiah's name on her screen. "It's Jay, I have to take it." She reached for it and answered the call. "Hey Jay, what's up?"

Her volume was all the way turned up so Drake could was able to hear the other end of the conversation. "Hey Adri, how is everything?"

"Better. Thanks for asking. How are the kids?" She looked at the clock on Drake's wall. "It's 11PM there. A little late for a good night call isn't it?"

"Yeah, I know. We went bowling to get them out for a bit. We just got in and they want to say good night."

"Without me? Rude!" She said and laughed.

"You don't want none. You know I always win." Jay said and laughed too.

"Ha! You wish! Anyways! Let me talk to my babies."

"Yeah okay, here they go loser!"

"Yah mama!" She yelled before he got of the phone making him laugh.

"Hi Mommy!" Selena's voice sounded in her ear.

"Hi princess. Did you have fun bowling?"

"Mmmhmm. Santana and Jordan let me win."

Adriana could tell from the sound of her voice that she was smiling. "They did? Well that was nice of them. I'm so glad you had fun."

"I miss you Mommy."

"I miss you too. I'll see you soon. Make sure you keep being a good girl and listen to daddy okay?"

"Okay Mommy. Good night. I love you."

"Good night. I love you too."

She heard some movement and then Santana's voice came through the phone. "Hi Mommy!!"

"Hi handsome! How are you?"

"Good! I'm having fun in Chicago but I miss you and I can't wait to see you."

"Awww, I miss you too big guy. I'll see you soon. Thank you for looking out for you sister and making her bowling experience fun."

"You're welcome Mommy. We all had fun." A yawn escaped him. "But I'm sleepy. I just wanted to say good night. Jordan wants to say good night too."

"Well I appreciate that. Good night. I love you and I'll see you real soon. Put your brother on."

"Okay Mommmy."

More shuffling around and Jordan's voice came through. "Hi Adriana. I just wanted to say I love you and good night."

"Awww I love you too cutie. Good night. Keep looking out for your brother and sister out there for me okay?"

"I will, I promise. Here's my Dad."

She heard Jay telling them to brush their teeth and then he spoke to her again. "Okay Adri, I'm going to get them tucked in. But don't think I'm letting that my mama comment slide. Watch what happens when I see you chump!"

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