Chapter 122: Eyes Wide Open

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"Babe, I need you to go get a jacket and some shoes on and come with me."

Adriana furrowed her eyebrows. "Why, where are we doing Tori? What's wrong?"

"Babe, please just go get your stuff, I'll tell you in the car."

Adriana hesitated a moment but then she ran upstairs and grabbed some socks from her drawer. She slipped them on and slid a pair of Jordan's on her feet and grabbed a hoodie putting it on as she ran downstairs. She didn't know exactly why Tori was here at this time of night asking her to come with her, but she knew whatever it was, it wasn't good. She grabbed her keys and her phone and the she was at the door in front of Tori again. "Okay I'm ready." She stepped out and locked the door. "Tori what's wrong? Did something happen to the baby?"

"I'll tell you in the car" It was clear Victoria was trying to keep her composure but something was definitely wrong.

Adriana's heart was racing and a million things were running through her head. "It's that bad"

"I don't know how bad it is yet babe." Tori told her.

The second they got in the car Adriana was hounding her again. "Tori can you please tell me what's going on? I'm going crazy here. Is it Chubbs? Where's my godson? Why aren't you in your car? You go around with a driver now? I'm so confused. Talk to me, please?" The questions just came out flying because she was now in a panic.

Victories sighed. "Babe, chill, just breath for a minute."

"You're telling me to chill when there's obviously something very wrong Tori. It's written all over your face." There was a hint of desperation in her voice. She glanced at the driver of the SUV they were in. Definitely one of Drake's trusted people. They met eyes for a second and he looked away. Then she turned back to Tori. "For God sakes babe, tell me what's wrong?!"

Tori took Adriana's hands in hers. "I don't really know how to say this so I'm just going to say it. There was an accident, Drake was hurt. He's in the hospital babe."

Adriana felt her heart drop and she was suddenly finding it hard to breath. For a moment she couldn't even speak. She just stared at Tori and her eyes filled with tears. "What happened?" She said barley above a whisper.

"I don't really know babe. All I know is that he as in a car accident and he's at the hospital. Chubbs didn't give me all the details. He just said I should tell you because he knew you would want to know. So here I am."

Tears slid down her cheeks. She didn't know what had happened nor did she know if he was okay or not. "Tori I literally just seen him a few hours ago and he was fine! God I don't even know what happened." She pulled her hands away from Tori and covered her face letting the tears fall.

Victoria moved closer and wrapped her arms around her best friend. "It's gonna be okay babe. He's going to be fine."

"How can you say that? We don't even know what happened." Adriana said all choked up.

She was right. Neither of them knew exactly what happened or how bad Drake was hurt. So instead of saying anymore Tori just held her friend and comforted her as she cried.

When they arrived at the hospital Chubbs met them in the lobby but he didn't say anything and Adriana didn't ask anything either. She had now entered a state of shock. Less than twenty four hours ago he had told her that he loved her and that he wanted everything with her and only her and she had turned him down. Not only had she turned him down, she spent the night dancing and kissing another man in his face. The guilt and regret she was feeling right now was eating her alive. Chubbs led them to a waiting area that was full of familiar faces. His crew was all standing around looking worried. OB was the first one to come over and hug her. "Hey, it's gonna be okay."

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