Chapter 119: Take Your Time

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Monday morning Drake walked into the studio of the address Ayesha provided him. Since Tori was not staying home to be with the baby Adriana had hired another girl to take her place. When she saw Drake walked in she smiled wide. "Oh my god you're Drake!"

Drake smiled at her and nodded. "I am." She was obviously a fan and he planned to used this to his advantage. "I'm looking for Adriana. Can I speak to her please Janet?" he asked reading her name tag.

"Actually she's not in. Most of her shoots are scheduled out of the studio this week so she won't really be in. Is there anything I can help you with? We do have a photographer on site taking care of some of her smaller shoots if you need something, I can have him take a look."

Drake's smile faded. "No, that's okay. I needed to see her. Can you tell me where she is?"

She frowned at him. "I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to disclose that information. I could lose my job."

"Of course, I'm sorry. Can you tell me when she will be in the studio this week? I could call her and ask but I really wanted to surprise her."

The girl raised an eyebrow at him. "Really? I thought you two were broken up."

Drake nodded. She was smart, he had to give her that. But he was smarter. "That's true, we are. But we're still friends and I haven't seen her in a while."

Janet looked to be thinking it over and then finally nodded. "Okay. But please don't tell her I told you."

"You have my word."

"She only has two shoots scheduled in-house this week. One is on Wednesday at Noon. She's due to spend the rest of the day here after that editing. The other one is Friday at ten in the morning. I suggest the noon one on Wednesday because she probably won't stick around after her shoot on Friday since she has a job to work Friday night." Janet was just giving him all the info.

Drake gave her his best smile. "Thank you Janet. I appreciate all your help. I guess I'll see you on Wednesday." He winked at her and her cheeks flushed. Sure it was unnecessary for him to wink at her but she had just made his day giving him all the information he wanted about Adriana so he figured he could give her a little something to smile about for a while.

"No problem."

He turned his attention away from her and glanced around the building. It was much nicer than her last studio. He was really proud of everything she was accomplishing. He only wished he was at her side to share it with her.


Adriana was sitting in her living room Tuesday night and Drake had just texted her asking if he could call her. She hadn't responded but he'd ruined her mood. Her phone chimed letting her know she had another message. She was hesitant to check it because she thought it was Drake but when she looked down Klay's name was on her screen and she smiled.

Klay Thompson:
You're going to think I'm so cheesy but I was listening to the radio on my way to Steph's and this song came on and I thought of you.

There was a link attached and she clicked it. She didn't know what the song was yet but she was already smiling. When the link took her to YouTube and the video popped up her smile widened. She knew the song well. It was Take Your Time by Sam Hunt.

😊 I actually love that song. Why did it remind you of me though?

She was sure she knew why but she wanted him to tell her.

Klay Thompson:
Not the whole thing. Just parts of it. I guess the chorus. The whole thing about him saying he's not trying to steal her freedom he just wants to take her time. I feel like that's me. I'm not trying to push you into anything you don't want but I did enjoy spending time with you and I'd like to spend more time with you if you'll let me.

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