Part 18: Count Me In

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Drake starred at her with lustful eyes. Hearing those words from her mouth excited him. He didn't know what it was about her but everything about her excited him. "If I told you that I feel the same way, that you excite me in some way I never felt before, would you think I was running game?" Drake asked her.

Adriana gazed into his eyes. A smile came across her face. "Maybe. Are you telling me that or are you just hypothetically speaking?" she asked him.

Drake smiled at her. "I'm not sure I should say to be honest, but yeah, it's how I feel. I don't know what it is about you" he said to her.

Adriana nodded her head. "Probably just because I'm awesome" she said and laughed.
Drake laughed too. "I think you might be right" he said.

Adriana sat quiet for a moment before she spoke again. "Maybe.... maybe we should go back out there with everyone else. That way, we won't be so tempted. I'm sure Tori is wondering where I am" Adriana said to him.

Drake laughed. "I don't think she's wondering that at all. She left with Chubbs just before I came to find you" he said.

Adriana raised her eyebrows. "What?! You're joking right?" she asked.

Drake nodded his head. "No, not at all. Chubbs doesn't usually leave my side at stuff like this but Victoria asked if she could steal him away. Chubbs seemed to be having a good time with her. I didn't wanna say no. Besides, I was going to be with you and I still have OB and Ryan" Drake said.

"I can't believe she didn't tell me. She probably thought I would try to talk her out of it!" Adriana said still surprised.

Drake grinned. "Are you saying you wouldn't have?" he asked her.

"Of course not. She's grown" Adriana said.
Drake gave her a questioning look. "Okay, maybe I would have" she admitted. "She's just so wreckless, she doesn't think things through all the time! I feel like I have to protect her" Adriana said.

"I get that. But like you said, she's grown. You have to let her do her. Trust me, she's fine. Chubbs is a good dude. If he thought your friend wanted more than what he could give he wouldn't be with her right now" Drake said to her.

Adriana nodded. "Okay. You're right. I brought her here to have fun and that's what she's been doing" she said.

"If you want I can take you back to your hotel so you can check on her" Drake said.

"No! No way! I'm not trying to walk in on anything crazy. This is Vegas, there's always something to do. I'm not tired yet. I'm good. I'll find something to do" Adriana said.

"Well whatever you wanna do, count me in" Drake said.

"This is my first time in Vegas. I don't really know what there is to do here" Adriana admitted.

Drake smiled. "Your first Drake concert, your first time in Vegas, I can't help but wonder what other things would be first for you" Drake said.

Adriana laughed. "Hmmm. My first time meeting and hanging out with someone famous" she thought for a second. "I've never been drunk before" she said.

"You're kidding?" Drake asked.

"No, I'm not. I mean... I drink.... sometimes. But I've never been drunk before" Adriana said.

"Is that something you want to experience?" Drake asked her

Adriana smiled. "I'm in Vegas..... hanging out with someone I consider to be one of the sexiest men on earth. Let's do it!" she said grinning.

Drake laughed. "If there's one thing I know how to do well, is get faded in Vegas. Let's do it!" he said. "Let's go get everyone else and take this to the suite. You've never been faded before so I don't want you doing something you might regret. Better we play it safe." Drake said and winked at her.

Adriana's mouth dropped. "Wait, hold on, you're taking me to your suite?" she asked him surprised.

"If that's okay?" Drake asked. "I promise, no funny business, just a good time with the crew and one of the sexiest men on earth as you so kindly put it" he said with a grin.

Adriana smiled and nodded. "Okay. Let's do it!" she said.

Drake grinned and stood up. He extended his hand for her to take and she did. They proceeded to go round everyone up and headed back to Drake's suite. For Adriana to say it was beautiful would be an understatement. It was massive. She'd never seen anything like it.

"Wow! This is amazing" Adriana said to him as they walked through. "Do you ever get tired of it? Moving from hotel to hotel?" she asked him.

"Sometimes. But I love what I do. I wouldn't trade it for anything" Drake said.

Adriana smiled at him. "Good, because the world needs Drizzy Drake" she said.

Drake laughed. "You are too damn cute!" he said.

They gazed into each others eyes forgetting for a moment that they weren't alone. That is until OB kindly reminded them that they weren't.

"Damn get a room already" OB said and laughed.

Drake turned around and lightly punched OB on the arm. "Shut up man" he said with a grin.

"Ouch" OB said pretending to be hurt.

Adriana laughed. "Awww what's the matter OB? Are you upset that I haven't given you any play? I can gaze into your eyes too if you want me too" Adriana said in a joking tone.

Everyone laughed. Drake and Ryan laughed the loudest. OB laughed too but he rolled his eyes at her and pretended to give her a mean mug.

"Okay, I like her. Anyone who can handle OB's big mouth is alright with me" Ryan said tapping OB on the back.

"Yeah, okay. She's got spunk, I give her that" OB said.

Drake grinned at his boys and then looked at Adriana with that grin on his face. "I guess OVO crew approves of you" he said to her.

Adriana smiled. The sound of that made her heart swell. "Ah, my dream come true. Being accepted by OVO crew" she said in a playful tone but really meaning it.

Drake was still smiling but at the same time he was giving her a look that made her feel as if he knew she really meant the words that had just come out of her mouth. He licked his lips. "Does the crew have the same acceptance from you?" he asked her.

Adriana smiled at him. "Is that a real question?" she asked.

Drake flashed her his pearly whites. "It is. Yes" he said.

Adriana laughed. "The crew has had my approval for a really long time!" she said.

"Good to know" Drake said with that smile still on his face.

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