Fluff - Oh Fuck No (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Maybe." I replied, opening up more and more files, collecting any research I could find. "It seems pretty bad when you have Thor going on and on about how proud he is of his brother though." I earned a laugh from Steve. "He's still going on about that? I thought he would have given up by now...but I think it's kind of sweet he's so accepting of it." He glanced at the screen, then back to me. I shook my head with a frown. "It's annoying. It feels like he's Loki's dad, who's so proud of their child for marrying a rich man or something like that."

Steve walked to the door, opening it while chuckling. "I'll tell him to lay off, don't worry so much Tony." And with that, he walked out and closed the door, his voice becoming more enthusiastic as he started talking with Bucky, who must've been waiting outside for him. Must be nice to have someone so close to you...


...no, stop it.

Don't be thinking like that just yet, Tony Stark. You don't need anyone, and you don't need Loki, that's for sure. I let out another heavy sigh, wondering where the horned magician might even be. I can't exactly find him, so it was pointless worrying. How the hell I would even have the conversation about our hearts glowing when he disappeared into thin air? Yeah...no use worrying over something I can't put into action.

I did stop worrying, up until I heard a loud noise and saw a bright light from the corner of my eye. I quickly turned the window, standing up and my heart racing. I peaked out and saw a figure, standing on the grass, the Asgardian portal symbol burned into the ground beneath their feet.

There, stood Loki. No weapons, no armour, no horns, nothing. Well, he was wearing something, thank god. A black 2 piece suit, at that...

Gulping, I stared. Unable to move, frozen in this position. I would have stood there all day if it wasn't for Rogers returning to my office, opening the door with a loud bang. "Tony! Put on the suit! Loki's arrived from the Asgardian portal, hes-" "I-I know, Steve, I can see him." As soon as those words left my mouth, Loki slowly turned his head, connecting his eyes with mine. He looked calm, content. But after a while of looking into those eyes of his...I could see fear and worry.

"He's looking at me." I told Steve, still unable to move. "We need to go, Tony!" He yelled, quickly grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of my shock. He yanked me towards him and I connected my eyes with his instead. "Put on the suit, now!"


With Steve and Bucky to my right, and Rhodes and Clint to my left, we were outside, slowly walking towards Loki, who was standing still and looking rather relaxed considering the situation he was in. "What's the endgame this time Loki?" Clint asked. "Come 'ere to make my eyes glow all blue again?" He gritted his teeth and went to take an arrow out from his quiver, but I put my hand up to signal to stop.

"I think I know why he's here, Clint, so don't start any playground fights just yet." He nodded and put back his arrow, still staying tense. "So, Lokes..." I began, my voice already starting to dry out. "...am I correct in thinking you're here about our...discovery from last time we met?" I asked, thankful that the voice changer in my suit would hide my fearful tone. Instead of using his words, he simply looked down at his chest, unbuttoning his suit blazer and moving his tie to the side.

His heart was glowing.

Everyone turned to me, realising that the only thing that was glowing from me was my arc reactor. "Step out of the suit, Stark. I have no weapons, no illusions or tricks to use on you, I won't harm your friends and I won't harm you." Loki spoke in a soft tone. Clint scoffed. "Yeah right, knowing you, you'll probably kill us then kill Tony, because you can't handle the truth that you're soulmates-" "Clint!" Rhodes snapped, getting Clint to shut up and stand down.

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