"No worries." I answered automatically.

I could see the girl was clearly embarrassed by her misstep so I glanced back down at the papers. When I looked up again she was gone. Ms. Wright glanced up in surprise as I laid the completed forms on the counter.
"Wow." She remarked. "That was quick. Are you sure you wouldn't like to take these home to your folks?"

Now was the time to put Violet's story to use. "My Brother is still in Montana working with lawyers to settle father's estate. He could be here in a week or a month from now. It is hard to say." I explained.

"Always a tragedy to lose someone you love." Ms. Wright patted my hand. "If you need anything just let me know dear." She offered warmly.

A pang of guilt hit me as I thought about my real father buried across town. What would he think about my white lie? He would be disappointed in me for many reason but this lie would bring him shame.
My father went to great length to instill honesty, integrity, and a sense of family into all us boys.
Each day I get further away from my humanity and closer to the monster I have become.

"Thank you." I pressed my lips together. "Do you know when I should expect to start classes?"

Ms. Wright flipped through the file one more time. "I should have your schedule done by Monday." She sat the folder on the desk. "Actually do you have time for a tour?"

I glanced down at my watch. "I have a little time."

"Okay. I will be right back." She disappeared into one of the dozen side offices. A moment later she returned with a small framed girl. The same girl who had bumped into me earlier.

"This is Abigail Johnson." Ms. Wright said. "She has graciously agreed to be your guide. Good luck. I'll see you Monday." She turned to the girl Abigail. "Be sure to show him where the senior lockers are located. If you run late for your next class just come back and I'll write you a note."

The girl nodded. "Thank you Ms. Wright."

Ms. Wright waved to us both then headed straight back to her desk. The girl came around the side of the counter.
"Hi. It's Brady, right?" She asked. "Ms. Wright has a tendency to talk so fast I don't always catch everything." She explained.

"Yes.  Brady Andrews." I held the door open for her to pass then reluctantly followed behind. Even though I knew what to expect the pungent smell was like a punch to my gut.

"Hello Abigail. It's a pleasure to meet you." I spoked through gritted teeth but still managed to force a smile. The end of her nose crinkled up as if she was too was smelling something unpleasant.
"Please just Abby." She corrected. "My mother is the only person who insists on calling me Abigail." She explained.

I could tell by the way her lips curled to one side, she did not find this an endearing quality.

"Well let's try this again." I held out my hand. "Nice to meet you Abby." She raised an eyebrow but shook my hand anyway. I found this slightly amusing. "What? Has proper manners fallen out of favor in Brookville?" I teased.

Abby laughed. "Unless you're like eighty years old, all manners have been lost." She changed the subject. "So where did you move here from? Did you participate in any clubs or sports?"

"I'm from Montana." I answered. "No clubs or sports but was pretty dedicated to my studies." This was partly true because in  eighteen hundreds schools didn't have them.

We stopped in the history wing so Abby could point out each individual class room. She listed which teacher were the best and what each class was currently learning.
She did the same for the English, Science, and Math wings as well. She took me for a quick peek at the gym, art, and music rooms as to not disturb the classes currently in session.
We were leaving the band room when she return the conversation to a more personal nature.

The Roswell Coven: Circle of Terra Where stories live. Discover now