I can't stop the rain But I can stop the tears

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WARNING: this is a lemon so they would be sexual content so you don't like then you shouldn't read this.

Shisui stumbled into itachi's room, he closed the door and walked over to itachi's bed. He layed itachi down and looked at him.

" It's ok shisui I won't survive, I'm sorry for putting you through all of this. But know no matter what, I'll always Love you "

" Don't say such things you've going to be ok "

" Shisui father said I will not make it "

" But we can try- "

" Shisui it won't work, just accept I'm going to die "

" No your not I'll make sure of it "

" Very well, do as you please. But know even if I don't make it, I'm happy I was able to spend my last moments in your arms "

Itachi gave him a closed eye smile and shisui heart tighten in his chest, he leans closer to itachi and kisses him.

The kiss was a sweet kiss, it was filled with so much love, itachi wrapped his arms around shisui's neck and pulled him closer.

Shisui licked his lower lips and itachi parted his lips for him, shisui wet muscle made it's way into itachi's mouth. He explored all over itachi's mouth, memorizing it.

Shisui pulled away from the kiss, and looked at itachi who had a blush on his face. He smiles at him and kisses his forehead, if these were itachi last moments, he wanted to memorize this.

He moved down to kiss his nose, his left cheek his right cheek, his eyes lids. And found his way back to itachi's lips, he kisses him again, and itachi melts into the kiss and kisses him back. But before the kiss could get any heated he pulls away.

Shisui and itachi lock eyes, shisui smiles at itachi and moves his hand to the bottom of itachi shirt. He slowly starts to pull it off of itachi body, and itachi lifts his arms up to help him, once off shisui pushes him down so he can hover above him.

He leans close to his neck and starts to leave feather like kisses, which causes itachi skin to feel warm. Despite the unbearable pain he's feeling, feeling shisui kisses and touch make his skin feel warm.

Soon shisui starts to leave open mouth kisses down his chest, and itachi starts to shiver lightly from how good they feel.

Shisui moves itachi head to the side, giving him access to the right side of his neck, and he looks at his smooth unmarked neck. He runs the tip of his nose over his neck, and that causes itachi to whimper a little.

Shisui then starts to leave kiss that soon turn into licks and him sucking on his skin. Itachi let's out a shaky moan as shisui licks a spot, between the collarbone and neck.

Shisui smirks against the skin, and he sucks harder on the spot, which causes itachi to grip the back of shisui shirt, and let out whimpers and small moans. He feels itachi member poke his inner thigh, he pulls away and see itachi panting and with a big blush on his face.

He cups his left cheek and stares into itachi's eyes, he smiles and leans in for a kiss. Itachi kisses him back and shisui let his hand travel down his chest, until he brushes the tip of his fingers against his nipple.

Itachi gasp and that gave shisui the opportunity to slide his tongue inside his mouth, he goes back to his nipple and starts to rub it with his pointer finger. As him and shisui had started to french kiss and they had started to fight for domance, which shisui won.

Shisui pulled away and only a strain of Silvia connected them, shisui then kissed down his chest. And soon found his way to itachi's right nipple, itachi gasped as shisui licked his nipple and rubbed his left nipple.

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