some hearts understand each other, even in silence

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It's been four days after itachi and shisui hung out, and shisui found himself feeling funny around itachi.

He felt nervous and his throat would get dry, but itachi couldn't bear to notice it. His condition was getting worse the pain was increasing and it was unbearable, it was so much worse. It made him want to claw his chest, and had him gasping for his breath.

Mikoto and fugaku were very worried about him, itachi could bearly keep his groan's and whimpers at Bay. He'd sometimes just wants to scream out in pain. Heck he could bearly make it out of bed.

It was effecting him very bad, and each day it was eating him away, it was painful. And whenever he's around shisui it felt like someone was trying to rip his chest open.

Shisui felt guilty for making him suffer like this, he wanted to keep his distance but itachi wanted him close. Of course he didn't say this, but his body language showed it.

But shisui felt so confused why did he feel this way around itachi?, Was it he was starting to feel the side effects of this whole soulmate thing?, What was it?

Shisui was currently at work, he was in the police car waiting for fugaku to come back, they had just arrested a guy for starting a fight. And they came to drop him off at the police station.

Fugaku got back into the car and saw shisui deep in thoughts, and he looked at him confused.

" Shisui "

But no response and that made fugaku kind of worry, so he snapped his fingers but nope no response. So he did the only thing, that he knew would snap him out of thoughts.


shisui joked up and looked suprised and looked at fugaku.

" Huh what I was paying attention "

" I didn't even say anything "

" Oh right I knew that, hehe "

He rubbed the back of his head nervously, and fugaku raised an eyebrow.

" You doing alright shisui? "

" Yes just thinking "

" That's never good "

" What no I'm just thinking about if two right handed people die, who's left "

" What? "

" Exactly Who's left "

" Shisui, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard "

" But who's left "

" Get back to work "

" But fugaku "

" Shisui "

He glared at him and shisui chuckles nervously and shuts up.

' and here I was worrying about him '


Fugaku and shisui just got off of work and were headed inside fugaku house, and shisui went to go check on itachi but saw him all ready like he was going to leave.

" Hey, why so dressed up for? "

" Oh don't you remember, the cherry blossoms are going to bloom today, and I wanted to see them '

" Oh I see "

There it was that feeling, the nervousness he felt his throat get dry, and the butterflies in his stomach go crazy.

" Hey want to come with me? "

" What come on I'd be fun, what do you say? "

Itachi gave him such a pleading look, and shisui couldn't find it in himself to say no. I mean that look made him feel nervous and blush.

" Alright let's go "

" Great "


Itachi and shisui got to the park, it was pretty full with people coming out to see the cherry blossoms.

Itachi grabbed his hand and was walking around looking for a spot, and shisui felt himself blush. He felt the warmth of itachi hand in his, he didn't know how long itachi dragged him.

But he soon found himself in a little place in the park, where not many people knew of. They were lots of trees and grass, and the setting itself was beautiful.

" I just love nature don't you shisui? "

" Uh yeah "

He stood there watching as itachi took in the setting around them, despite him being in pain he was really happy.

And soon enough the cherry blossoms started to bloom, shisui and itachi looked as they bloomed and some of them got blown away by the wind.

Itachi decided to spin around a little, and shisui watched as he saw his lushes long raven hair spin. And when he finally stopped he looked at shisui, with a big smile on his face. The sun was setting so Ray's of orange, yellow, and a bit of pink and purple shined on him. And the cherry blossoms flew around him so perfect, and that moment made his heart beat fast and blush.

" Thank you for coming with me "

" No problem "

He gave shisui a closed eye smile and shisui felt himself blush, and at that moment everything piece together for shisui, why he felt so nervous, the butterflies in his stomach and everything.

He had fallen in love with itachi uchiha

But somewhere out there past the storm
Lies the shelter of your heart
~ before we disappear by Chris cornell

departing from zeroМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя