Part 13: Old Friend

Start from the beginning


Weiss was on the table, polishing her nails. Yang was... Being Yang. Blake was reading a book called 'Ninja's Of Love: Special Edition', and Ruby was just sitting on the bed waiting for her teammates to say that they were ready so they could go. I just sat by her and gave her a.

Y/n: Yo!

She slightly jumped but then she smiled because she saw me.

Ruby: Hello!

Y/n: So what are you doing?

Ruby: Nothing really just waiting on them to ready up.

I looked around to see That Blake had just finished reading and Weiss finished polishing. And Yang had just Finished being her. They were now talking at the door. I looked at Ruby.

Y/n: Well That's our Que!

Ruby just hummed in agreement and stood up to walk over to them, I mirrored Ruby's Movements.

Y/n: Come on guys lets go!

Weiss: I'm Happy that you all want to go to the Vytal Festival.

We all walked out the door to seed Cardin holding a few Fast food boxed and other things like chocolates.

I smiled happily.

Y/n: I'm glad he's changed.

Blake: Everyone is, especially the Faunus.

Cardin spotted me and Walked over to me.

Cardin: Hey Y/n. look Im sorry about all th-

I stopped him from talking.

Y/n: Dont apologise to me, Apologise to all the people you've upset.

He smiled and walked to JNPR's Dorm and knocked. When we turned the corner We heard Jaune say.

Jaune: Food!

and then,

Nora: Share!

We all looked at each other and giggled about the upcoming fight that was happening.

Do you guys think I'm being to mean to Cardin or is this deserved.

20 minutes later

Y/n's POV

Weiss: The Vytal Festival! Oh, This is absolutely Wonderful!

At this moment I knew she was doing something evil, I mean, like she's never nice.

Y/n: Sheesh Weiss, I've never seen you smile this much before. Kinda creepy.

Weiss scoffed.

Weiss: How can you not smile, A festival dedicated to the cultures of the World! There will be parades, dances a tournament! Oh the planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking.

Before she was about to carry on her speech, Ruby saved us and inturrupted.

Ruby: You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring.

Weiss got annoyed and looked at Ruby.

Weiss: Quiet You.

A boat horned signalling that it reached its destination.

Yang: Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon, visiting the stupid docks.

Ruby smelled the docks and of course .

The Badass Of Beacon: Ruby Rose X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now