Your period

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-waits on you hand and foot
-super solider runs to get you period essentials
-Cuddles with dad
-watches netflix with you 24/7
-acts like a boyfriend
-you're a whiny baby

-stays away from you
-yet still seems to get on your nerves
-bad period jokes
-"PMS jokes arn't funny. period"
-"Tony stop"
-bad attitude

-has no idea what's going on
-calls your mom asap
-"our daughter seems to be bleeding downstairs"
-"just get her some pain killers she'll be fine"
-you suck it all in and keep it moving

-you're the angry girl
-you're always scolding people
-you scolded your uncle for speaking too loud
-he cried
-you apologised
-Loki is surprisingly calm
-he's dealt with your anger before

-mood swings
-2 minutes you're okay
-then you're tearing your hair out
-you cried over a plate that broke
-"calm down honey there are other plates"
-"but mom that plate had so much potential"
-being a woman herself Nat is prepared

-you're okay
-until your dad walks into the bathroom while you're changing your pad
-"holy shit her vagina is bleeding!"
-you have to explain because you have all kept him in the dark about it
-"it's pretty simple right dad"
-"yeah. girl doesn't have baby- uterus wants revenge"

-you're clingy baby
-you just want your mom
-but she has a mission half way through your period
-so you turn into a demon baby
-storm into Nick Fury's office
-"take my mom off the mission"
-you said it super calmly
-Fury said no
-So you kicked his ass

Doctor Strange
-your dad is super clued up
-since he was a doctor before it all
-he's quick to whip up some remedies
-you're on your feet in no time

sorry- i've never done w headcanon before so this is new

🍃drop some ideas


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