First day of highschool

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In honour of me failing :)
Your dad was away on a mission, so your uncle Bucky opted to help you that morning. You were currently sitting at the kitchen table playing around with your floating frosted flakes.

"What's wrong champ?" Your uncle asked

You sighed, the question bringing all your feeling up as you put your spoon down and let the tears roll. Your uncle immediately came to your side, hugging you into his chest as you cried your foundation into his shirt

"It's my first day at high school, and my dad is off saving the world rather then seeing me off" you sobbed
"I know but your dad is Captain America doll" your uncle reasoned
"He should be my dad above all! Am I not enough?" You asked
"You are"
"I just want my dad back"
"And I'm here princess" a voice said behind you

You turned to see your dad, standing in all his glory as he set his shield down and took his helmet off. You looked into his eyes with your own, seeing how hurt he was by how hurt you were.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I don't want you to think the world comes before you. You're my priority. I'm sorry your mother and I havn't been around so much but we'll try" Steve said looking you in the eye

Running up to your dad, you embraced him. Giving him a kiss on his dirty cheek.

"Come on, let's go fix your makeup before the bus comes around" your dad chuckled
"What do you know about make up dad" you teased
"Hey, a red lip goes a long way hey"

"Come on dad, can't FRIDAY teach me or something?" You whined
"Oh please daddy" you said giving the biggest puppy eyes you could
"Look kid, as much as I don't want you to go to school, your mom said you need to be like normal kids" you dad explained
"But I'm not normal!" You protested "I'm Y/N Stark! Daughter of the infamous genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist!"
"Keep throwing those comments around and you might not go to school" Tony mused
"Flattery will get you nowhere"

Being the princess of Asgard, you were homeschooled

Skipping to the kitchen you grabbed an apple and grabbed your bag and headed for the door, before you could even touch the door your mom was stopping you

"Just gonna leave without a single goodbye?" She asked

You turned around to face her as she wore her pj's and her hair was still a mess

"I thought you were still sleeping" you smiled
"And miss my baby's first day? Never" your mom smiled "actually, let me get my car keys"
"Uh- I'm catching the bus" you said nervously
"Are you embarrassed of your mom?" Nat smirked
"Whaaaaat- no" you said nervously

Nat smirked, pulling her pj's off to reveal some jeans and a top and brushed her hair into a ponytail.

"Ready" she smiled
"As I'll ever be" you smiled back

Snuggling into your covers, a smile played on your face as your dream played in your head, all things were right with the world until an annoying tune began to play in your dreams causing you to scrunch your face up and awake

"What the hell is that noise?" You said to no one in particular
"It's an alarm kiddo" Clint laughed making you jump
"Jesus dad!" You yelled "ever heard of a door! Or better! Knocking"
"I didn't realise I had to knock in my own house" your dad asked sarcastically
"what if I was indecent?" You asked "what did you want anyways"
"It's school today, I suggest you get ready before the little ones wake up and make a mess in the bathroom"

You were looking at yourself in the mirror, looking over your outfit and hair for probably the upteenth time in an hour. You wanted everything to go perfectly. Just as you went to sit and begin your makeup your father walked through the wall, scaring you half to death

"Dad!" You shrieked
"Vis, we spoke about this" you mom frowned from the door
"Sorry dear, I came to check on you" your dad said

You smiled, giving him a small kiss on the cheek
"I'm fine dad"
"I'll go make your breakfast"

You nodded before sitting back down at your vanity and pulling your makeup out, opting for the normal winged eyeliner.

"Here lemme help" your mom said taking the eyeliner out your hand "what's got you so shaken?"
"Nothing" you smiled halting your moms actions as she looked you square in the eye "I'm scared mom"
"What if they don't like me or I'm the weird kid?"
"Look, you're a Maximoff, fear isn't in your blood baby. If they don't like you, their losing out on having a kickass friend" your mom advised "and there"

You looked at your perfectly winged eyes before smiling at your mom
"Thanks mom"
"No problem cupcake" she smiled "now go have breakfast"


Your father thought you everything because he didn't trust the schools had enough knowledge

I've been on a trip, and bored so I'm gonna release a couple of chapters

🍃drop some ideas


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