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"Do your know how I would feel if something happened to you?" Your dad yelled
"That's why all my mission are going to be with you" you countered
"That makes nothing better! If you get shot or die and I was there it would kill me" Your dad boomed

"For the love of cheese and crackers what is the noise for?" Your mom asked
"Dad won't let me work at shield" you said before your dad
"No" your mom said
"Mom!" You shrieked
"Another word out of you about this and I'll ground you" your mom said sternly, instantly shutting you up

"Dad please"
"Y/N no!"

"What's all the yelling about?" Your mom asked
"Dad won't buy me a car" You whined
"Tony" Your mom said
"Pep, no" your dad said walking back to the lab making you groan

"Don't worry bub, your dad can't swallow the fact you're growing up" your mom consoled sitting next to you
"I guess" you shrugged
"How about you go get Morgan and we go have us a girls day?" Your mom smiled

"Dad! It's just the frost giants planet!" You said
"You seem to have forgotten your uncle Loki is from there!" Your dad said
"All the better! He'll take me then" you said "done!"
"Y/N NO!" Thor boomed walking away

"For one day I'd like the come home and hear "hi honey, how was your day?" Not bickering" your mom said
"Mommmmmm dad is being a smother mother!" You whined
"Am not!" Your dad yelled back

"Father" you said
"Father I'm sorry"

It's been 30 minutes since your father fetched you from Sakar where you had gone to visit your aunt Val and Grandmaster. And you had been trying to get your dad to talk to you but he wouldn't bite

"WHAT y/N!" Your dad snapped
"Father I'm here, I'm fine aren't i?" You asked
"But what if something had happened to you! I wouldn't be able to live with myself" Your dad said, tears brimming his eyes
"I'm sorry Father" you said feeling guilty
"It's alright, but you're grounded from using the bifrost"
"What?! How am I supposed to get places!" You shrieked in horror
"Walk" your father shrugged
"You want me to walk... like some animal!"

"No, No, No,No, no. Did I mention.... No!" Your mom said as you trailed behind her
"Come on mom, it's just a house party at Josh Stark's place! You know Uncle Tony is gonna be there" you said
"And that's supposed help how?" Your mom asked "house parties are a breeding ground for drugs, alcohol and sex, what happens if you get roofied?"
"I won't" you shrugged
"How do you know?"
"Because I've been raised by a master assassin"

Your mom stepped into the elevator
"Cute but no" she smiled "try going and I'll ground you until your kids can let you out"
"How am I going to have kids if I'm locked in my room?" You asked
"No one likes a smart ass"

Currently your mom and yourself were trying to get your dad off your boyfriend who was pinned to the wall by an arrow your dad masterfully shot.

"Who are you son and what are you doing in my house?" Your dad interrogated
"IcameherewithY/N" he breathed out
"Y/N what is the meaning of this!" Your dad asked
"Dad, that's my boyfriend" you said hiding behind your mom

Your dad simply grabbed your boyfriend by the shirt and threw him out of the house before locking the door

"No" he said simply

"No, you're too young and pure to know about such!" Your mom said hugging your head to her chest
"Mom, it's not a big deal" you said
"It's a giant deal! This means you're growing" your mom sniffed
"Honestly mom you're being dramatic" you said pulling away from her
"Am not!"she yelled
"It's just sex Ed  mom!" You countered
"First it's sex Ed and then you'll be having it! Absolutely not!" She said walking away
"Jeez" you sighed


Avengers Parent Series (Teenage addition) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now