You use something of their's without their permission

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It was three o'clock in the morning when Steve decided to get up for a glass of water. He froze at the noises coming out of the living room. He slowly made his way to the living room, sighing when he saw you in a heap of blankets, lying there with his shield filled with different dorrito flavoured chips, a dip in the middle


When Friday informed Tony of unusual activity happening in your room he sped there with the speed of light. When he opened the door he saw a gaping hole in your wall, you on the bed with one of his receptors on your hand. You nervously smiled when you saw your father looking at you

"There was a spider dad" you reasoned


Your father had come back from a meeting with your grandfather to find you in the living room, fast asleep, wrapped tightly in his cape. he smiled and picked you up , putting you in your bed but not moving the cape

"i thought i told you last time to stop challenging the bull to a charging contest!" your dad yelled grabbing his helmet from your head
"i'm sorry okay! your helmet can be fixed!" you said
"you broke the horns off!" Loki said
"yeah well i made the biggest dent though" you smirked

your dad stayed quiet before turning to you.
"you did"

Hanging the meat on the washing line you aimed your mothers stun gun towards them. you shot each stake with a stun, cooking it just right before removing the stinger off them and putting them on a plate. little did you know your mother had been watching you

"oh you're just in time. dinners ready" you smiled
"no thanks. i'm good" your mom gagged
"what- it's steak!" you exclaimed
"that you shot with a stun gun!" your mom defended
"oh- you saw that" you said
"you're disgusting" your mom said grabbing her purse
"Beef Jerky is just cow raisin but you still eat that!" you yelled

Clint came home to find his arrows holding up your assignment paper on your wall as you paced in front of them

"how did you even-
"i couldn't find the tacs i'm sorry" you appolgised

Bentley was cold and you didn't think your mom would have minded. but boy were you wrong

"is that my jacket?" your mom asked
"yeah" you said
"wrapped around the dog!" she yelled

Doctor Strange
You were tired. it had been at least 5 hours since you started cleaning the house so you didn't think your dad would have caught you

"Y/N what did i say about making the cloak do your chores?" your dad scolded
"not to" you said

i'm exhausted ladies and gentlemen

🍃drop some ideas


Avengers Parent Series (Teenage addition) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now