They catch you in the act

621 13 2

It's not dirty.... the dirty one will come later
You had a date with your aunt Nat and Wanda today so you were up bright and early. You'd stepped into the shower and began washing your hair as Listen by Beyoncé began playing you grabbed your shampoo bottle and began singing into the makeshift mic. Once you were done you got dressed and texted your aunts that you were on your way. As you walked out your dad sat on the couch, you gave him a kiss on the cheek and proceeded to leave

"You know your mom also used to sing" he said making you freeze
"Oh, that's nice" you shrugged
"You sounds just like her" Your dad smiled
"Wait- you heard that?" You asked
"No, no, no, I'm leaving before you can embarrass me further" you said

2 words
2 syllables
Prank Wars

You were determined to win against Loki, and out mischief the god of mischief. You were going to mix in some green dye with his shampoo and nare (no hair, a product that if you leave in your hair it helps it come off- it's like a shaving cream) in his conditioner. As you snuck out into the hallway, you bumped into your dad. Falling onto the floor and throwing the products into the air.

"It's 7:30 and you're up. What are you doing?" Your dad asked
"I'm fine dad, no broken bones thanks for asking" you said sarcastically
"What on earth are you doing with Loki's hair products?" Your dad asked looking at the two bottles
"How would you know their Loki's?" You smirked
"I may have used them once or twice but that's not the point" Your dad rambled "what are you up to Stark?"

"I put dye and nare in Loki's stuff" you admitted snatching them
"Oh" Your dad said giving you a glare "you better win this prank war, a Stark never loses"
"Aye aye captain" you laughed

You were currently looking for your Geometry book in your fathers chambers because you were doing homework in there since your room was being redone. You spotted your dads cape and picked it up, you put it on your shoulders and looked at yourself in the mirror

"I am Y/N, daughter of Thor, feature princess of Asgard and keeper of the 9 realms and I am burdened with my fathers over protective manner and my mothers brains and curiosity" you mocked
"Well, I'm glad my brains are a burden for you" a voice said

You turned around to see your mom standing at the doorway with your dad. You dropped the cape and ran to your mom embracing her

"Mommy" you said tears streaming down your face
"Hey hey princess of Asgard" she said rubbing your back
"We'll talk about the cape next time, I have scheduled a spar date with your mother and you" your dad smiled

You sat on the couch, watching Lucifer. As the episode came to a close you went to reach for the remote to start a new episode, you frowned as you couldn't find the remote. You looked to see it on the coffee table. Sighing you went to reach for it but to no avail. You smirked and began levitating the remote to your way.

"I didn't picture you to be the lazy type" your fathers voice said startling you andmaking you drop the remote which was in mid air
"Father!" You scolded
"Get up and get it for yourself, your magic is not for that purpose" your father scolded
"But father I'm going to ruin a perfectly good butt print" You whined

Your dad gave you a glare making you huff and get up

you watched the bar fill up as the percentages increased in unravel numbers before the door broke down and your mom flew into the wall. You drew out a knife and stuck it into the assailant's neck not taking your eyes off the screen. You drew the stick out of the computer

"Y/N?" Your mom asked
"Hey mom" you smiled helping her up
"Wh-wheren't you supposed to be with Thor?" Your mom said breathless
"About that- yeah Steve I have her, we're heading to the west wing" you said into coms
"You're grounded after this" Your mom said passing out
"Understandable" you shrugged

Making your way to the training room you strapped your hands in and headed toward the punching bag. As you went there you noticed your dads bow and arrows in the corner. You smirked to yourself and picked them up and went to shoot a couple of targets

"Your elbow should be pulled back" a voice said startling you
"Dad, goodness" you said clutching your chest
"I'm glad you're following the legacy" your dad smiled
"Not a chance katniss" you smirked

You mom had gone out to buy some more paprika for dinner and your dad was upstairs charging (lmao, can Vision sleep💀), so you decided to keep yourself busy by cleaning up since she would be taking her own sweet time. You grabbed your earphones and began cleaning.
As you progressed onto mopping Like a Girl by Lizzo started playing, and you began turning up, twerking and dancing to the song until you twirled around to see your mother watching you in awe

"Mom" You shrieked
"I had no idea you could dance like that pumpkin" your mom said amused

You blushed, looking down
"You must teach me how to move my bum like that" she said going to step forward

I wrote this in school💀

Sorry some are short, I suck at writing

🍃drop some ideas


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