I'm Going to the Underworld?

Start from the beginning

"Reagan, we have to go!"

I peek one eye open and Nico materializes in my vision. He's shaking me more vigorously then before in an attempt to wake me up, and reluctantly I do begin by stretching my toes first and letting out another groan.

"You look like you didn't get any sleep at all!" Kyle guffaws as I rub my eyes.

"Yeah. A little."

I stayed awake looking over that map until I noticed the sun just beginning to rise before deciding to get some sleep. Speedily getting dressed since everyone is waiting for me, I head into the bathroom and I'm honestly a little shocked by what's looking back at me: Kyle is right, I definitely look sleep-deprived right now. Dark bags under my bloodshot eyes, frazzled hair. I look like a mess, and I quickly comb my fingers through my hair to get it all under control and splash some cool water on my face and gather my things to meet up with Nico outside the house. Marie said that she'd drive us into town, and we all pile into her car for the trip. New Orleans isn't that far at all, and I'm relieved to be back in civilization. Since we didn't really have a hotel to stay in, as soon as I spotted one, I asked her to stop and we climbed out.

"Thanks for everything," I begin as soon as Nico and I are on the sidewalk. "We really appreciate everything you've done for us."

Marie's smile is vibrant and friendly as she beams at us. "No need to thank me at all. It was a pleasure having you as company for the night."

Waving goodbye as she speeds off, we wait until she's out of sight before lowering our hands and looking at each other.

"So..." I say awkwardly and fiddle with the shoulder strap of my backpack. "I think we should-"

"Reagan, I need to go back." Nico interrupts and averts his eyes. "To the others, I mean. I was only asked to take you here, but I can't-"

"By Ares?"

He nods a little. "But I can't help you on this quest. I was told you need to do it yourself," the boy stammers out the last part uncomfortably.

"Oh. I get it." The idea of being absolutely alone on this quest makes my gut clench up with fear. "Thanks for getting me here."

Nodding once more, he glances around before calling forth the shadows and walking right into them without slowing down, and once the portal closes, it finally sinks in that I am completely on my own. Naturally, I feel myself begin to panic. Exhaling before I make a scene, I look around myself before walking down the street. It's not long before I spot someone familiar, and I frown in confusion.

"Annabeth?" I call out, ignoring the looks I got from nearby people who glanced in my direction.

The figure turns the corner and disappears, and I quicken my own pace to catch up with them. I think I'm in the French Quarter, and even though this isn't a sight-seeing, I slow back down and let my eyes wander over the buildings and watch as horses pulling carriages trot by on the road. Disheartened when I can't find the stranger, I sigh and sag my shoulders in discouragement. Pulling out that strange map, I study it once more as I try to come up with an idea before hearing a voice shout:

"Come learn about the true culture and abilities that voodoo has to offer!"

She doesn't seem all that interested in what she's saying, looks rather bored actually, and no one seems to pay her much attention on the sidewalk. People give her a wide berth, and I get to see what she looks like: Long brown hair in a ponytail. Professionally yet comfortably dressed.... It's her eyes that catch my attention and make me freeze in my steps. Annabeth? No... Not Annabeth.


"What are you doing here?"

The woman blinks in confusion, stormy grey orbs staring into me and making me shift my feet uncomfortably. "Doing my job?" she counters sarcastically. "Trying to draw in customers. Would you want to take the tour?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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