My Dedication (NOT A CHAPTER)

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Wow, I really can't believe I've come this far with the series. I began this way back in my sophomore year of high school, and it was honestly just really self-indulgent. I hadn't expected that this series would get so much spotlight and popularity with the fandom that it did, especially with Annabeth as a queer character (she's always been a bisexual character in my head, while Reagan a lesbian character). But I was pleasantly surprised. I was even more surprised with the dedication i put into this series, as I've never actually finished a fanfiction before, let alone get this far in a SERIES. So yay me there! And I just wanted to use this first chapter to say how much it's meant to me to get the comments and the hearts on these books, and to have readers tell me they've followed this series throughout the years. It honestly means more to me then you'll ever understand. So thank you for sticking it out with me and following Reagan and Annabeth's story throughout the years! I know my updates vary from infrequently sporadic to a weekly chapter, but we've finally made it. ✊

And since this is the last book of this series, I really wanted to set it apart from the rest. This is REAGAN'S quest that she's in charge of, a time for her to shine in her own ways. I've usually been pretty linear with following the book plots and while I've enjoyed it, there was no real creativity past my own quirks I added so that Reagan could have her heroic moments in Percy's quests. This book will be...severely different from the others. I'm diving into unknown territory with information and culture that I've been, and will continue to research. And so I just want to apologize ahead of time for any mistakes that will be made in the process. I hope you all will be patient with me, and please feel free to correct my mistakes thru a comment or thru a private message on here, it will be greatly appreciated!

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