➵ Legolas/Thranduil - Not Actually Imprisoned

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When she had showed up alongside Gandalf in Bag End, she had been silent until spoken to. Wherever she went, she analysed her surroundings, and the dwarves were a lot to take in. But once she assured herself that she was comfortable with her surroundings, she livened up the dining room. It was off-putting for Thorin, not only the fact that she was an elf, but her smile made him cautious, not realising how truthful it was.

He had soon learned that Viessa distanced herself from her kind. She wasn't fond of their selfish, closed off ways. The she-elf understood why they were so private, but she didn't want to watch other races suffer for her own benefit. The girl became a sort of ranger, keeping an eye out for defenceless communities.
Thorin respected her choice in lifestyle, and soon found himself looking at her not only as an accomplice, but a loyal friend.

Her melodious laugh rang out through the forest. As the Dwarves - plus one small Hobbit - grumbled about the upcoming trek through the treacherous woods, Viessa and Fili were trading stories from their past.
The Aemaris girl never struggled with finding something to say, especially if it was something to raise spirits. With every passing day she found herself fitting in more and more with the group. For the first time in a long time, maybe she could call something home.

The party came to a halt by a river.

They had been warned about this place;

It was dangerous;

Drinking or bathing in the water could cause the victim to fall asleep, a feat that no one wanted to face. Who knew what could happen to beings once they were completely defenceless in the forest? Certainly nothing good could come from it, so the party took a careful route across it, avoiding casualties.

Well, that's what they thought.

Trying to cross the river was successful until Bombur slipped.
Instant panic struck.
It was only because a herd of deer had dashed past the pathway, surprising the dwarf as he attempted to cross the treacherous waters.
He was retrieved fairly easily as the company hurriedly threw in a rope for him to hold on to, but was fast asleep and couldn't be awoken by the time he was actually out. This made things difficult. The group knew that for the majority of their trek through the vast forest, Bombur would have to be carried.

Viessa took his legs; as the tallest of her comrades she was also one of the strongest and could lift the dwarves with fair ease. Thorin and Kili then took his arms and the upper half of his body, all four travelling in a tight pack, keeping their ears alert in case of an attack. Viessa had the perfect hearing for it but unfortunately her senses were distracted by trying to stay in reasonable formation with the others who were assisting Bombur.

With a newfound liability, the company continued their journey through Mirkwood. It took days to travel further, but they persisted. Food wore thin disappointingly fast and water was scarce. No one was giving up, all were continuing out of spite for the hateful forest, but everyone was undoubtedly very hungry and very thirsty.
Bombur woke up after six days, and being the fattest of the dwarves, complained greatly at the lack of food almost immediately after regaining consciousness. His argument did not run short even after he had finished hammering the group with his dreams of food.

It was a day later when Bombur finally shut up and refused to take another step. Apparently, a day of walking was too much for the dwarf, even though his friends had been carrying him for the past six.
It was easy to say that the company was not impressed, but secretly thankful to finally come to a halt nonetheless.

The elf's ears perked up as she sensed some movement through the trees. A lot of movement. She held up her hand in the front of the group to signal their silence. Her eyes searched through the dense green trunks, looking for a signal of attack, all whilst racking her brain for what inhabited the Mirkwood forest;
Other elves, werewolves, a wizard maybe, giant arachnids-

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