Slice of Sunshine

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~Time skip: 2 weeks~

Dongheon sat spaced out as Jeongin went on about the movie they planned to see later that night. Jeongin called it a double date since Minchan was bringing Chris along. He on the other couldn't understand why since they weren't dating.

"Hey, are you listening?" Jeongin asked slightly annoyed.

"Yeah, I'm listening." replied Dongheon as he started to sketch.

"Then what did I just say about Minchan?" Jeongin asked.

"He's good looking?" said Dongheon hopefully.

"I didn't even mention him." Jeongin spat before slapping Dongheon. "Where's your head these days, idiot?"

"Sorry... Its just I've been thinking..." mumbled Dongheon.

"What about?" asked Jeongin with curiosity.

"Why would you call it a double date if Chris and I aren't dating? Couldn't you just call it a guy's night out? Don't force a label on us. We're friends and that's all we'll be." said Dongheon with a sigh.

"Sorry, sorry... but I can't wait to hang out as a group again." Jeongin said happily.

"Hm, is it really worth celebrating? It's just four guys going to see a movie." Dongheon said flatly.

"Of course it's worth celebrating. Min and I haven't properly celebrated you both finally accepting each other as a part of your lives." said Jeongin with a sly grin.

Dongheon sighed heavily as he gathered his things to leave. Jeongin hurried as well as he wasn't going to let him go. His phone rang and it instantly brought a smile to his face. Dongheon glanced back at Jeongin and decided to lose him in fear he'd think something of their call.

Dongheon closed the door behind him then watched as Jeongin passed by him.

"Why were you running...?" Chris asked on the other end.

"Jeong. I don't want to imagine how out of context he'd take the phone call. Last thing we need is him talking about it nonstop at the movies." explained Dongheon as he paced around the room.

"Haha, I bet. So, I've been thinking... let's grab some coffee after I get off work?" Chris asked as he sat in the back room.

"Hm, I would love to but I have a class... Would you be willing to wait?" Dongheon asked a bit hopeful.

"Sure. Then we can meet up with the lovebirds." said Chris.

Dongheon hung up then softly smiled. It sort of sounded like Chris was asking him out on a small date. He shook his head. He wasn't going to fall for his destiny. Not in the slightest. They were just doing friend things. They would only be friends and nothing more. He had to constantly remind himself so he wouldn't fall in with fate.


Chris swirled his keys around as he waited for Dongheon to get out of class. A few girls cutely greeted him as they passed by. He politely greeted them back then wondered if Dongheon would call or text him he was out. He sighed as he stared at a photo of him. Maybe it was best that they separated. It had been awhile since he became aware of what was actually transpiring between them. He thought he could handle it but...

He was scared. He couldn't imagine losing Dongheon like he did his parents. The sheer thought of it hurt him terribly. Someone sat down across from him then touched his face.

"Why the long face? You aren't happy to see me?" he asked quietly.

"Huh? Oh, hey... um..." mumbled Chris as his face heated up. "Your hand..."

Written In The Signs | DongChan✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz