Introverted Libra

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Chris rubbed his eyes as he sat up in bed. Minchan wasn't in the room. He stretched out then gathered his things before heading into the bathroom to shower.

He stepped out in clean clothes then checked the time. He was right on time. He finished packing up his bag before leaving out the front door and locking it. This was what his life has been for a few years now. He owed Minchan his entire life. He didn't know where he'd be without him.


Chris stepped out of the backroom and took his position behind the counter with his coworker. He checked over reservations and had double checked the amount of empty tables from his spot.

"How many walk ins do we have?" Chris asked lowly.

"2, but one of them is a big party." his coworker said.

Chris nodded then glanced back at the seated customers. The restaurant had somehow become popular a few months back and business was much faster than he was used to before. He wasn't complaining as it meant more money on his next payday.


Chris quietly wiped down a table as things started to wind down. His shift was almost over, so he figured he'd do a little cleaning before leaving. He felt someone tap him then grin.

"Oh, San... What can I do?" he asked quietly.

"Nothing. I'll take over for you. Go on home." he said as he took the rag.

"I still have 2 minutes on the clock. It's fine." Chris said then took the rag back.

"Chris, you've worked hard enough today. I can finish up." San said before taking the rag back. "Now go before I whip you with this."

Chris sighed then walked to the backroom to change. He was appreciative of San, but sometimes it felt like he was being coddled. He really didn't need to be coddled. He was alone most of his life so he was quite capable of caring for himself. He closed his locker then sighed. He'd tell San one day, but for now he'd let it go on.


Chris waited outside of the school as teenagers walked out of the gates and would sometimes give him looks. He kept his eyes on the front door then smiled when he saw him.

"Min!" he called out happily.

Minchan spotted him then waved. He never understood why Chris always came over to the school when it was far from where he worked and home.

"I keep telling you to just go home. Yet you never listen." Minchan said with a sigh.

"I like seeing you dressed for work." said Chris with a bright smile.

Minchan couldn't help but ruffle his hair. Chris was utterly adorable around him, but terribly shy around others. It was another thing he didn't understand. His phone vibrated and he saw he had gotten a message from Jeongin. Chris peeked at his screen then felt sick.

"Chris, what's wrong?" Minchan asked in a panic.

Chris shook his head and assured him he was fine. Despite saying that, he felt like vomiting. His head pounded with each step he took. His vision started to blur and double. Minchan frowned as Chris definitely didn't look fine. Minchan lifted him onto his back and carried him the rest of the way home.


Chris jolted awake and found himself in bed. It was dark in the bedroom. How long was he out? He slipped out of bed then made his way to the closed door. He peeked out and heard the TV. He walked towards the living room and saw Minchan working on papers.

"Minchan..." he said quietly.

"Oh, you're awake. There's soup in the pot on the stove. Go eat." he said then turned back to his work.

Chris headed to the kitchen and saw a bowl and utensils sitting on the counter waiting to be used. He brought his meal into the living room and sat next to Minchan.

"Eh, be careful not to spill anything. The last thing I need is a student asking why their test smells like soup. Plus we'd have to clean and I'm not feeling that right now." explained Minchan.

Chris nodded then watched what was on TV. He wasn't a big fan of the news, but it was good to know what was going on in their area. He looked at Minchan who had a serious look on his face. Chris silently watched Minchan and forgot all about his soup. Minchan glanced at Chris then frowned.

"Eat." Minchan demanded.

"Sorry." apologized Chris before going back to eating.

Minchan stopped working then gave Chris's head a pat. He didn't know why, but he felt he needed it.

"What made you so ill earlier? You slept for hours." Minchan said with a worried look.

Chris shrugged as he didn't know himself.

"I looked at your screen and I felt it after..." said Chris before feeling ill again.

"Chris-" Minchan said then watched as he took off towards the bathroom. "Really, what is it..."

Minchan rose from his spot on the floor then felt his heart sink at the sound of Chris retching. He quietly entered then squatted beside Chris. Minchan gently rubbed his back then noticed there wasn't much in the toilet bowl.

"Maybe you should take off tomorrow in case you still feel sick after resting..." said Minchan as he opened the cabinet to get some medicine.

"I'll be okay..." Chris whispered as he sat back.

"You say that now, but later... Either way we're not taking chances." said Minchan before helping Chris swallow the medicine.

Chris let Minchan take him back to bed then watched as he was tucked in. He opened his mouth to say something then closed it when he had already left the room. Minchan came back with a bucket and placed it beside the bed.

"In case you feel you won't make it to the restroom." Minchan said before sighing. "I'm taking you to the doctor after work tomorrow. And don't even think of going to work. I'm calling you in sick."

Chris silently nodded then closed his eyes. He knew exactly why he felt sick. He couldn't bring himself to tell Minchan the reason. It was even beyond his understanding. He heard the door close and noticed the lights were turned out as well. He didn't feel like sleeping, so he opted to looking out the window. There wasn't much to look at below, so he looked up at the vast night sky. He sighed as he thought about birthmarks and destinies. He didn't like it. In fact, he hated it. Chris felt bad for whoever his destiny was as they were stuck with someone who didn't want them. He hoped to never run into his destiny.

Written In The Signs | DongChan✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora