Meeting of The Signs

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Jeongin happily bounced by Dongheon's side as he stared at his sullen face. It's been a week since he had gone to the event but he never found out what made him so depressed.

"Are we eating lunch together?" Jeongin asked.

"Sure." said Dongheon.

"Anything specific you're looking forward to?" he asked.

"No." said Dongheon.

"Care to tell me what happened a week ago?" Jeongin pressed.

Dongheon shook his head. He would just get laughed at for supposedly making a guy cry. Luckily word about it hadn't spread online.

"I promise I won't laugh." Jeongin said as they exited the building.

"I made someone cry just by asking a question, okay?" said Dongheon, finally tired of Jeongin's constant staring.

"Really? That has you so upset? I'm sure the dude already forgot about it. There are better things to worry about like finding a job, finding a place to live, paying bills, all that." said Jeongin.

Dongheon nodded. Jeongin had a point. He still felt bad for what he did, but there were more pressing things in life to worry about.


Dongheon let Jeongin drag him around and decide on where they eat. He wasn't in the mood for anything in particular.

"How about here? I'm sure you'd like a nice quiet place." said Jeongin before pulling him inside.

They placed their orders then waited. Dongheon turned around and was surprised. It was the caterer who he made cry. Just as he started to turn around, their eyes had met. He had turned to the guy next to him and said something. Soon the other guy's features had sharpened and now stood in front of him.

"I have business with you." he said then started to drag Dongheon out.

"Min, stop." the caterer said.

The guy named Min stopped then crossed his arms.

"So you're going to let him get away with making you cry, Chris?" Min said angrily.

"He wasn't entirely at fault... I've said this." said Chris a bit louder than before.

Min looked at Dongheon before sucking his teeth and walking back to Chris's side.

"I'm sorry about that... and the event too." said Chris softly.

"It's fine... I think." replied Dongheon.

"So you're the guy. You know, cause if you, my buddy here has been depressed for an entire week." said Jeongin angrily.

"Jeongin-" Dongheon started, but was cut off by Min.

"Why in the hell was he depressed huh? Chris did absolutely nothing wrong." Min said in a raised voice.

Dongheon and Chris had dragged their friends away from each other. Just as they were going to start bickering, Jeongin groaned in pain while covering his eye. Min on the other hand was holding his arm. Dongheon peeked and saw Jeongin's birthmark was glowing green.

"Chris..." Dongheon said then revealed Jeongin's eye.

Chris wasted no time in looking at Min's then nodding. These two were destined for each other. The glowing soon stopped and Jeongin looked weary. Min did as well.

"What just happened?" Min asked.

"You found your destiny." said Chris softly then pointed to Jeongin.

"No way..." Min said quietly.

Jeongin looked at Dongheon in surprise. Did he hear correctly? Min was his destiny? Their eyes met and they both looked away.

"Why don't you get to know him while I get our food? You did say you believed your destiny was a good guy." said Dongheon.

Jeongin pulled away from Dongheon then turned around to get their order. Dongheon looked in confusion then followed behind him.

"I don't like him. He hurt my best friend. I'd rather be single than with a guy who hurts my friends." Jeongin said defiantly.

"Are you sure...? You may never see him again..." said Dongheon as he watched them leave.

"I'm sure..." Jeongin said quietly while chewing slowly.

Dongheon was touched, but he could see the sadness in his eyes. He left his seat and hurried out to catch up with them.

"Min!" Dongheon shouted as he finally caught up.

"What..." Min grumbled. "It's actually Minchan."

"Ah, sorry. Minchan, if you don't mind, please let me have your number. It's not for me but my best friend. Meeting and being with his destiny was his number one wish and I don't want it to not happen because of me. So please..." said Dongheon with his head lowered.

It was silent for a while before Minchan sighed.

"Give me your phone." said Minchan with his hand out.

Dongheon happily gave it over then watched as Minchan input his number into his phone.

"There. I have your number marked down. Let me know when you give him my number so I don't accidentally block him." said Minchan before walking away with Chris.

"Bye Chris..." Dongheon said as he waved.

He felt he at least owed him a farewell after causing a ruckus in the shop. Dongheon headed back then smiled at the sight of Minchan's number. Jeongin had always done a lot for him, so it was only right to return the gesture.


"What are you waiting for? Text him." Dongheon said as he stared at Jeongin.

"But after earlier..." Jeongin muttered.

"Just do it." Dongheon pressed.

Jeongin sighed then proceeded to type and send his message. He put his phone on sleep then sighed.

"I'm probably going to get blocked. I don't know why you went through the trouble of finding his number. Hell it might not even be it." said Jeongin.

Jeongin's phone dinged, signaling he got a notification. His eyes widened. Minchan replied. He looked at Dongheon who simply smiled.

"How...?" Jeongin asked still in shock.

"You do so much for me, I had to give back. You wanted to be with your destiny and you finally met them. I wasn't going to let it not happen." said Dongheon. "Though, I am surprised it's a guy. As far as I know, you're straight. Are our romantic partners really predetermined at birth...?"

"Heon... I'm not straight. I haven't been for quite a few years now. I pretended to be straight around you because I really didn't know how you'd react around a homosexual..." Jeongin said as he twirled the pen in his hand.

"I don't know why you saw a reason to hide. You're my best friend. If you like guys, then you like guys. That won't change your personality." said Dongheon happily.

"Heon..." he said then hugged him tight.

Dongheon returned the hug then started to wonder about his own sexuality. He was straight. Why was there any doubt? Not once has he looked at a guy and wanted to do intimate things. Dongheon buried his face into Jeongin's neck.

Written In The Signs | DongChan✅Where stories live. Discover now