Chapter 5-The one where the gang get their act together

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It has been a week since that dream. Things have gotten so much better. For example, our house is actually functional and The Molster stopped crying because we bought her a new computer. Joey apologised to me for eating my cupcake so I now do not want to murder him. Shakeel got to sleep on a bed so we did not hear endless hours of him already. The others did...stuff...too...

We found out that the Italian mafia did indeed have a connection so guess who I will be calling up very soon. After thinking so hard that my nugget brain hurt (so not very hard) I figured out that we need more recruits in order to give them Italians a good bonk in the head. I was thinking that the only logical way to do this would be by using propaganda right? Wrong. This will only alert the police and other unwanted people, that we have learnt from past experiences and let me tell you that the police do NOT want to become part of are gang.

So, I realised that we do not even have a gang name. So, I thought that the perfect gang name would represent the three most powerful people in my gang. My gang will be called 'PBP gang'. This gang name does not only dignify the leaders, it represents the respect and the kindness that you must show to each other.
You may be wondering what does this magnificent name of 'PBP' stand for? Well, let me tell you. I have thought very hard on this and it does stand for 'pink blue purple'

This stands for are favourite colours! Well, mine, The Molsters and Katie (in order). Oh My Goodness it is sooo cute I could just die(but not die because I want to live).

I know what you are thinking my fellow imaginary audience. You are probably thinking 'Lee... That is the least scariest name I have ever heard in my life...a gang is going to hear of you and just walk away... Not kill you or ask you why... They will just walk away because is is so unscary that it is scary and they will need sometime to process it' and you would be correct. That is why I chose that name because not only does it provide use extra protection it represents us as a group and I also could not think of another name so it is an easy way out for me because I am so busy.

I have a pet turtle now and I am teaching him how to fire a gun. He is called Mishell. Everyone had disagreements with me because they did not want me to get a turtle due to me apparently not been responsible, but everyone knows I am.

I was sitting in my office doing some research on propaganda designs and way on how to discreetly promote it when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" not looking up I could sense there staring at me.
"Boss" I froze and looked up. I immediately looked up knowing who it was.
"Did you just called me 'boss'?"
"I don't know... I thought it would make me look cool"
I shook my head in confusion and sighed.
"What do you want Molster?" I said leaning back in my chair.
"Well, I got some information on the Italians and they so I flew a drone but not a drone there. Well it was more like a flying speaker in the shape of one of them really smooth pebbles with flappy things on the top like on a helicopter, but it wa-"
"OKAY OKAY mol we got it. Now tell me about what you heard."
"Oh yes, umm... oh got it, they was talking about a shipment."
"A shipment? Where?"
"I don't know I zoned out because it was time for a new chat room on a game I have on my phone called mystic messenger were you message hot anime guys and I am determined to get 007. He is everything that I ever dreamed off...that and Pepsi, but then again-"
"MOLLY focus please or I swear to sweet bevy Jesus I am going to murder you in the most brutal was possible" I say looking up smiling at her innocently.
"Oh" she whispers looking down timidly.
"So you have nothing at all. You did all of that and you have nothing. You know that is great. I hired a bunch of idiots. You know I did not even hire you you was just there and it just progressed into a gang and I just happen to be the leader because I am older" I quickly stood up from my chair and started pacing around my office.

After about one minute of pacing around my office the molster finally spoke again.
"You know if it makes you feel any better we have a recording so we can hear what they say"
I froze. I rush of relief shot through me, then anger, then relief, then happiness, then anger. Before the molster could react I spun around and shot her in the arm.
Rolling my eyes I started walking around the molster who was now rolling on the floor.
" Oh do stand up, you are going to get blood all over the floor and I shot you in the arm and it did not even go near the bone so I don't know why you are complaining. Here I thought you were tough and...just...urrr...I am off to go and get a cupcake. My diet is ruined."
Hello. If I ever said that I was going to update regularly...I..I lied. Well, I wasn't really a lie it was more like a not doing as I said that I would...
Hope you enjoyed the chapter?

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