Chapter 3-Team work

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Lee's POV
Cutting the silence, I started a conversation with Joey " You know Joey, I kind you thought that your worst day was going to be the day that we nicknamed you after a baby kangaroo." finally after about what feels like 100 years, the Molster opens the door, only to reveal the once neat cottage a total wreck.
Silence took over the group once again. A few moments passed until it was broken...again.

Coming to my senses, I stepped forwards passing by the other members to get a better look at the turmoil.

Briskly turning around, scanning the anxious faces of the people that stood before me. "ALRIGHT, WHO THE FRICK LEFT THE HOUSE LIKE THIS?!?! I BET IT WAS YOU JOEY, WASN'T IT?!??" I wailed while picking up a stick and pointing it at him. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me restricting me from any movement. Looking back, outraged may I add, to find Shakeel blocking me from hitting Joey with a stick. Joey had a small smirk sitting on his face.
Fortunately for me, his smile did not last very long as he was shoved out of the way by The Molster sprinting past him into the house. " MY COMPUTER! MY SWEET, SWEET, DARLING COMPUTER! WHERE ARE YOU, HONEY?"
Joey regained his footing as Shakeel started to speak to me. "OMG! Lee stop blaming Joey! We have more important thing to worry about, like we're we are going to sleep because let me tell you... Honey, I ain't sleeping on the floor no matter how much food you bribe me with." My death stare that 
I was giving Joey did not soften, but only hardened. I was like a wolf and it's pray or a Shakeel trying to resist a chocolate bar. My target was locked and I was ready to kill.
A relieved expression lightened up Joeys face  before he spoke "Finally, someone sticking up for me! Too bad it had to be him."
"Excuse me, don't think that I won't let go of her because I will!" Shakeel yelled
Everyone started to cautiously enter the house checking ever corner for anything suspicious.
A distant scream of heart ache from The Molster was heard from another room.
Alicia stepped forward, with a determination spread across her face. "Alright guys, I think that the next step is to think about this logically. We can't call the police because we will all get arrested for being in a gang and for the countless amount of crimes that we have committed so..."
"No shit" Katie sighed
"Quiet! As I was saying before I was interrupted, SO kit kat and Joey call up some people and get this place fixed up starting with Shakeel's room so we do not have to go through endless hours of him complaining about him getting home that all of are rooms will be completed and his room won't because he is apparently under appreciated. Katie and Shakeel find out if this has anything to do with the kidnapping and check the security cameras and find out who did this. Got it?" Everyone nodded and set off to do all the things that she asked. Wait a second... I am the leader not Alicia.
"Now hold up a second there..." everyone stopped and slowly turned to face me.
" I am the leader so u will make the decisions... call up people and Joey you do that
too...umm...Katie and shakeel do computer things. Got it?" I am so amazing. I am the best leader ever.
Everyone turned away and did things that I told them to do because fabulous leadership. This left me and ginger ninja alone. We did the only logical thing. Which was to go to costa coffee because Starbucks uses palm oil and Starbucks is disgusting and so over rated. Fight me.
Fast forwarding to the night...
Been a world class leader that I am, I decided to book a hotel for us to stay in for a couple of days. Obviously, I could not use my real name so I decided to use the name Yum Pickle. When the lady at the counter asked me about it I started to make a scene and may or may not have called her racist for judging my name and I said that it was a common name in the country of Leeandia. Long story short, we got a 3 day free stay in one of there luxury suits if we did not make a bad review on them on the internet. Some of you may be thinking what horrible people we are, but may I just remind you that we are in a gang and we have committed a lot more crimes. Take The Molster for a start. She shot Mr Brian in the head. Don't get me started with Joey. Did you know I went out shopping one day and bought myself a massive chocolate cupcake for after dinner. When it was time to eat the cupcake after dinner guess what I walk into the kitchen to find? Well I'll tell you, I find Joey sitting at the table with his iPad next to him, watching YouTube, eating MY cupcake! And you wonder why I have a problem with him. That was suppose to me my cupcake, but that little thief stole it from me. I was suppose to be the one watching YouTube while eating the cupcake. I never forgave Joey after that... every time I look at him, it brings back terrible memories of that cupcake. This was one of the reason why I started a gang. I know, this is a very touchy subject and I easily get emotional when speaking but... I will try not to cry... that day I lost all my trust in Joey not to eat my food. Now, I have a special safe where I put my food in. When I am holding food in my hands to walk to the dinning area I always get so petrified of walking around the corner to see him standing there and then for him to take it. It really annoys me when people call me crazy but, It is like I have an emotional attachment to food. When I am making a sandwich, I always talk to it and assure it that I will not cause it any harm before I take a big bite out of it. Then I imagine it screaming in pain as I finish it off. When someone just comes along and eats what is rightfully just...snaps a piece of you heart off. I was never the same after that day...
That story from Lee was so emotional. I swear I was on the brink of crying when I was writing it...I hope you guys have enjoyed the story and please tell me if I have a spelling or grammar mistake or if something is unclear so I can go back and change it! Also feel free to give me any suggestions that you would feel would improve this book!
It can be about the book but it doesn't have to be. It can be questions like Lee, why are you such an idiot or why do you exist and I will gladly answer then for you!

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