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Muted (4x03)

The Wolves of War (6x20)

Lia Genevieve Dunbar was born in August of 1996 in Beacon Hills, CA

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Lia Genevieve Dunbar was born in August of 1996 in Beacon Hills, CA. She is the only child of Olivia Geyer and Lucas Dunbar as well as the stepdaughter/adoptive daughter of Dr. Samuel Geyer. Olivia and Lucas were high school sweethearts who married right out of high school.

For the first six years of her life, Lia grew up in a toxic and unhealthy household. Her biological father had extreme anger issues that he did not get treatment for.

Lucas was often verbally abusive towards her mother and threw things around the room near Olivia as a power tactic to scare her. During those times, Lia his in her closet while holding her stuffed animal tightly as she tried to drown out the noise.

Lucas was verbally abusive towards her, yelling whenever she did anything he considered to be wrong. He did not throw things around her like he did with her mother.

Olivia and Lucas divorced when she was six years old. Lucas ended up leaving Beacon Hills soon after the divorce was finalized. He did not try to gain any sort of custody or visitation of or with his daughter. He still sent the child support checks which Olivia continues to place a majority of it into Lia's college fund which Lia told her was okay.

Lia's mother ended up getting re-married to Dr. Samuel Geyer when she was nine years old. Her mother, a forensic scientist, worked collaboratively with Samuel in quite a few cases which led them to become friends for many years until they eventually became a couple.

Lia first bonded with Samuel when she revealed to him that her already growing anger issues as well as physical appearance reminded her mother too much of her biological father. He told her that her anger issues did not mean she was anything like Lucas and her mother did not think that she was like him.

Samuel officially adopted Lia as his daughter soon after the wedding. She started to call him dad soon after that.

Lia became interested and started to play lacrosse around the age of ten, influenced by her dad being a former player.

In middle school, Lia's anger issues emerged even more due to her hitting puberty. There were a few scattered incidents that were not too serious until what would later be described as 'the incident'.

In the sixth grade she found out that her childhood best friend, Mason Hewitt, was being bullied by a group of eight grade jocks for his sexuality, being openly gay. He attempted to keep it a secret from Lia until she was a witness to it, they spat homophobic slurs at Mason which prompted her to punch one of the older kids which started a big fight.

Hayden Romero, a fellow sixth grader, had headphones in and had not been paying attention which led him to accidentally walk in the middle of the fight and got his nose broken by Lia. In response he punched her back. She had gained an enemy that day, a rivalry that would continue up until sophomore year.

After finishing the sixth grade, Mason's parents had him transferred to Beacon Hills Middle School to keep him safe.

Lia, previously having been on a lacrosse team not affiliated with school, joined her school's lacrosse team in middle school. Lia was well respected in the field and praised constantly by teammates, ones who would later avoid her if not on the field. This included her former childhood friend Brett Talbot who stopped talking to her. Lia assumed this was all because of her anger issues.

Lia's only other close friend was a girl named Safi Nazari, a girl who joined the school in the eighth grade. Safi liked to keep to herself most of the time, but she was extremely vibrant and outgoing when it came to the people she knew and trusted like Lia. Safi was diagnosed with ADHD and an anxiety disorder. She was almost always found whenever Lia was. Lia seemed to pick up the role of protector with Safi like she had always done with Mason.

They transferred over to Devenfort Prep High School for ninth grade, Lia being fourteen like most of her classmates in their grade. Lia joined the lacrosse team, becoming a midfielder despite being a freshman.

However, the lacrosse coach (who was also her teacher) had some sort of hatred for her. He often made fun of her anger issues and struggles in his class both on the field and in the classroom (a parallel with Stiles and Mr. Harris).

Lia was struggling to restrain herself with the anger that he caused her until she was set off when he started messing with Safi because of her mental health. Adding to his treatment of her, including forcing her on the bench even when she didn't have any incidents on the field.

In a fit of rage, Lia pulled what Stiles Stilinski would later refer to as a "Carrie Underwood—Beyoncé Combo" when she vandalized his car, resulting in her being expelled and forced to be evaluated by a psychiatrist.

Lia was diagnosed with a more acute form Intermitted Explosive Disorder. Safi's family found out about the treatment of their daughter by her teacher and pulled her out of that school, moving closer to Los Angeles. Lia started working with a psychiatrist and psychologist, being given medication to help her.

Her parents had her enrolled in Beacon Hills High School, though they had been a bit shocked that they were quick to allow her transfer and even join the lacrosse team despite her reports and diagnosis.

Prior to starting the new semester, Mason introduced her to some of his friends at the school such as Garrett and Violet, who soon became her friends.

And that's where the story starts.

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