I took just three steps at my right side and now I can see half of dining table clearly. Just two more steps. Yes you can do it. I clenched my fists. Should I go back. What's interesting in this if I go back after coming this close. No way.

Fighting with my brain and heart I pushed my last step ahead and found two bodies tangled on the last corner of dining table. Girl’s sexy slim back was facing me but the boy I cant see his face. His two powerful long hands, kneading her flesh at her back. Her shirt’s button must be open, the way it was hanging down her shoulders. His face was buried on her naked shoulder. I palmed my mouth to stop an uncontrollable gasp. Looking at those pure black hairs, now I know who was he. Manik Malhotra. Because Ishan have very attractive shade of dark brown hairs. She must be only one girl, who always glued to him everywhere. Elina.

She moaned in ecstasy. Her hairs long and beautiful, tumbling down her back. Don’t know how many desperate girls in our college want to feel his those silky hairs between their fingers, yet this girl have her fingers fisting them. I just wanted to have one glimpse and then run away. But Now when I have seen already who’s there, don’t know why for some odd reason, my feet got stuck, I couldn’t move.

Suddenly he opened his icy cold dark eyes and stared directly at me. His mouth continued to assault her side of neck while his eyes fixed intently on me. I don’t know what I’m feeling. His chocolaty brown eyes were holding me prisoner. May be I was shocked. I just kept staring back at him.

Another sound of her moaning and wrinkles around his eyes showing his smirk, brought me back into my senses. I started taking steps back slowly until my legs hit the table. As soon as I was out of his sight I turned over my heels and just ran away.

At gate uncle tried to stop me but I wasn’t feeling ok. I covered the five minute long distance to my hostel in just two minutes. I clutched my chest and stagger all the way to my room on the second floor of hostel. This walk felt more long than usual. I covered my mouth as the bile rising in my throat.

As soon as I opened the door of my room, I ran to the bathroom and empty my stomach. Now my chest started paining with pressure of dry heaves. After composing myself, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Coming out I just fell on my bed.

Shit shit. Why I went there. I’m so stupid. The scene in that kitchen kept playing in my mind. Tangled bodies, his lips at her skin, her moans, his intense dark eyes on me. Stupid, stupid Nandni Murthy you are stupid.

Congratulations. Now I won't be able to have little bit sleep, for which reason I bunked my last period and came here. Damn you Manik Malhotra.

With shaky hands I called the librarian and excused for not coming today. I don’t have strength to go back college. I want to sleep, and forget that disgusting scene. That’s it.


Next morning when I woke up, I felt much better and fresh. Thank God no more sickness. After attending all the periods when I went in combined class where our class would be merged with seniors. Today was the second last day to submit our assignments. Finally I submitted mine. Thanks to my good stars I didn’t face neither Manik nor his hot chick. But Ishan was definitely there. Prominent between his group, cause of his tall figure, arresting looks and fantastic dressing.


It was almost 7pm and my job at library have finally finished. And now after half hour last bus of college will drop students at their hostels. Just few minutes more then I will leave, because I don’t want to miss the bus.

I just have to wait so that all remaining students leave the library. Then I will pick all the books and put them in the right places. Stopping outside of the library I checked my bag books and mobile. I don’t want to forget anything because obviously my budget is tight and if I lost something then forget that I will buy new one, at least not in next two months.

Justice or Destiny Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora