Update of my life after the challenge

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So guys, here I am.
Finally living and enjoying food again.
Remembering, how much time I spent on  unnecessary thins, like counting calories and doing sport all the time.
Realizing, gaining weight is fine, as long as you are healthy and happy.
Understanding, the way you look means nothing if you don't feel good and love yourself.
Knowing, the real beauty, comes from the inside.

Well, I am so proud to say, I am FULLY RECOVERED!!

After the challenge (which probably saved my life lol) I started loving food again.
After the whole recovery time, (&the challenge) I had some little ,problems' again, I mean of course you can not just be like okay, I am recovered that is it , it is a long process with good and bad times.

About 4 weeks after my challenge, I am here to write all this down. For you guys, and of course, for me.

I am happy with the way I look, and I know there are a lot of other things which count a lot more than the way you just look.
I treat myself and give myself love, time, enjoyment and everything I want.

I am so worth it. I am special.
I am the best I could be. I am amazing, nice, funny, happy, crazy, caring, loving, pretty and everything I need.
I love myself.

And I am here to tell you, you can do the same. You can get happy again. You deserve it. There are more important things than the way you look. Food is there, to enjoy it.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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