Chapter 3

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Wave Country

"Hn Smiling Carnivore." The ravenette said as he smirked. Everyone except Fon shivered at the glint in his steely eyes.

Fon stared at the ravenette. Sasuke looked at his older brother with concern forgetting the situation they were in. "Aniki do you know him?"

Fon's eye softened and smiled sadly. "Yes, I do."

Sasuke frowned and then looked at the glaring ravenette in front of them. Who is he? How does aniki know him?

"Smiling Carnivore for taking too long to find me and crowding with herbivores I'll bite you to death!" The ravenette said before lunging at the former Storm Arcobaleno.

 Fon blocked the hit from the tonfa and sighed. "Honestly, you're still the same Kyoya."

Kyoya narrowed his steely eyes and blocked the hit from Fon. "Hn. And you're still the same. Smiling like you're a herbivore when in reality you're a carnivore." Kyoya said as he jumped back and took a stance with his tonfa as purple flames appeared around them making the former storm Arcobaleno smirk.

Herbivore?...Carnivore?...What the hell is he talking about?! Everyone unfamiliar with Kyoya thought.

Fon smirked mockingly behind his sleeves. "Whatever are you talking about Kyoya?"

Kyoya's eyebrows twitched at the former Arcobaleno's mocking smirk. "Annoying Carnivore..." he growled.

Fon looked at his former nephew with amusement and took a stance, red aura appeared around his form making everyone but Kyoya take a step back. Kyoya smiled bloodthirstily before lunging at Fon. Red and purple sparks appeared in the air as they fought. Everyone looked at the sight with disbelief as they looked at their fight. It didn't even sound right to call it a fight it was more like a battle to the death.

Fon dodged a hit from Kyoya's tonfa and then kicked the ravenette in the gut throwing him back to the forest. Everyone looked where Kyoya was thrown and then looked at Fon.

"Fon-san don't you think you went too far?! He's just a boy!" Kakashi shouted.

"Of course not. If Kyoya were defeated just like that, he wouldn't be the Kyoya that I have known ever since he was a brat." Fon said amused.

"Who are you calling brat annoying smiling Carnivore?" A voice growled darkly.

"Oh my, it took you long enough. I was thinking I need to tor-teach you again little skylark."

"For insulting me with such vulgar words, I'll bite you to death, smiling carnivore!"

"Oi brats! Stop talking and give me that geezer!" Zabuza shouted, making the two look at him with annoyance—mostly from Kyoya.

Fon looked at the annoyed rouge-nin and raised an eyebrow. "You're still here?"

Everyone sweatdropped and facepalmed.

Zabuza's eyes twitched as a tickmark appeared on his temple. "Damn you! Why I'll gotta-" before, he could finish he was knocked unconscious because of a tonfa from a certain someone.

Everyone looked towards Kyoya.

Kyoya raised an eyebrow. "Hn fake carnivore was annoying."

Everyone sweatdropped.

Fon chuckled. "Why don't you come with us, Kyoya?"

"Hn." Kyoya said.

What the hell did that mean?! Everyone except the three ravenette thought.

Kakashi cleared his throat. "What are you going to do about him?"

Fon looked at where he was pointing out and smirked sadistically. "Oh, let him go. I need him to train Kyoya when he's back to shape."

Everyone sweatdropped.

"But he's an enemy!" Kakashi exclaimed.

"All the more reason we need him, after all, we can tor-train with him when he's back to shape. I'm sure Kyoya will love it." Fon said sadistically. 

Everyone hesitantly looked at the said ravenette and shivered.

Kyoya raised his tonfa. "Hn I will bite him to death." He said with a bloodthirsty grin.

Kami have mercy on him! Everyone except Fon thought.

"Well, let's go back to your house, Tazuna-san." Fon smiled serenely.

"U-Uh y-yeah. This way." Tazuna said nervously as he started walking towards his house.

What the hell happened! He was the devil a minute ago, and now he's like an angel! Everyone except Kyoya thought.

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